Tag: Benchmark

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22 Creedmoor: Stiller Predator Build (End-to-End) & Mystery Solved

Piet Malan from Impact Shooting joined me from South Africa to build my first .22 Creedmoor on a Stiller Predator action. Sharing this experience with him and walking him through his own 6.5 Sherman Short build was incredibly fun and rewarding, but we also had some mysteries to solve.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making […]

Lightweight Pristine + Bix’n Andy + Carbon Six 6GT Build

Building rifles is my passion. I’ve traditionally used a few key components, but it was time for a change. This time I paired a Pristine short action with a Carbon Six 6mm barrel and Bix’n Andy trigger for a lightweight hunting rifle!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article […]

Rifle Building and Rock Chucking with Impact Shooting

Piet Malan joined me from South Africa to chamber a new rifle on the brand-new Wombat action from Stiller! I also built my own .22 Creedmoor on the Stiller Predator short action.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content […]

.308 Shorty Chronograph Data Comparison: 16″ vs 24″ Barrels!

A short while ago, we asked for input on our .308 build. Overwhelmingly, you all wanted a 16” barrel, so “Shorty” was born! Looking to compare velocities, I brought out my match .308 with a 24” barrel to compare the results with some Hodgdon pistol data! (Yes, .308 Pistol data.)  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / […]

308 Shorty Build: Machining, Chambering, Cerakote

Before chambering my 308 Shorty build, I had to decide what length to cut the barrel to and what color to Cerakote it. I put out the poll, and you all answered! Now that the results are in, we’ll cover the end-to-end process in this story.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: […]

How short? 308 Shorty Build Kick-Off

Though I typically feature more modern cartridges in my rifle builds like the 7mm PRC, I’ve recently developed an affinity for the 308, partly due to testing the Bergara B-14² Crest. I’ll be basing my next rifle build (a 308 shorty) around the Foundation Dominion stock and BAT Igniter action, but need some help deciding on […]

Match Report: NRL Hunter Blue Ridge

As you’ve all seen with our recent 6.5 creedmoor ultimate build, KRAFT test overview, NRL Hunter power factor and range bag videos,  I’ve been deep in preparation for NRL Hunter matches. This time I’m headed to Benge, Washington for  the Blue Ridge Big Five.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading […]

INSANE Precision: 223 Loads using Forster Equipment

Knowing how accurate the 223 trainer rifle Gavin built is, especially when combined with Berger’s factory 77 grain OTM ammo and Travis’ handloads, it seemed natural to also build that same load using Forster’s unique Co-Ax press and associated equipment.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching […]

TESTED: MDT Gen 2 CKYE-POD Triple Pull

I’ve been a fan and user of the MDT CKYE-POD since it first came out and have been desperate to test the MDT Gen 2 CKYE Triple-Pull Bipod. Here we take a closer look at its capabilities for both small and large calibers.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this […]

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