Tag: Target Shooting

Portable & Durable: The ProMarksman Bench & Rest from Berry’s

Berry’s makes a pair of related, but separate shooting rests for varied shooting situations. One is intended for use atop a permanent bench or table. The other is a stand alone portable bench. So why might someone want a portable shooting rest?  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article […]

TESTED: Hodgdon’s CFE-223 Smokeless Powder

Have you used Hodgdon’s CFE 223 ball powder? CFE stands for Copper Fouling Eraser and is designed to provide greater accuracy for longer periods of time with less cleaning, making it ideal for competition and varmint shooters. It’s also not just for 223!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this […]

Reloading 223 / 5.56 From A to Z

223 Remington and 5.56 NATO rifles span a wide variety of uses and scenarios. Reloading for 223 / 5.56 is very much worthwhile, but there are some special considerations to think about before you head to your reloading bench. We’ll cover the entire process from planning to loading in this story! 223 -vs- 5.56 Ammunition […]