Poll: What handgun cartridge do you reload most often?

I know a lot of us reload a lot of different calibers, but I thought it would be interesting to find out what calibers folks are reloading most often (I’ll do another poll for rifle cartridges). Don’t see your most frequently loaded handgun cartridge? Please leave a comment!

What handgun cartridge do you reload most?

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31 thoughts on “Poll: What handgun cartridge do you reload most often?”

  1. Nothing like the feel of a 1911 in 45 ACP with a good wadcutter load. Oh yeah, with a slide mounted red dot too!

  2. .32 S&W Long, .327 Fed Mag, .38 Special, .357 Mag, .380 ACP, 9mm Luger, 9mm Makarov, .40 S&W, 10mm Auto, .400 Corbon, .45 ACP, .45 Colt

  3. Now if the question had been which caliber do you load the most of? It would have been a different answer. I load a greater variety loads for some calibers (like 38/357) and therefore have more setups/loading sessions for them. However, I tend to run more total rounds of the same load in one setup such as 45ACP 200gr WC and then let it set a while.

  4. I love 45 ACP have two , a Kimber and a Springfield, love to load on my Lock & Load with case feeder and bullet feeder. Does a good and quick job of reloading.

  5. I had to check my records. As blackeagle603 said, wording can change the answer for me. I have loaded more .38 than anything, but that was my first handgun reload. That leaves .45 in 2nd, 9mm in 3rd, .40 in 4th, and .357 in 5th. I think 9mm will soon be my #1 though. I have added two 9mm’s to my collection this week (G17 and LC9) and have cleared out a few hundred rounds from my ammo safe pretty quickly!

    I also find .45 the easiest – probably due to the size since I’m feeding cases and bullets by hand on my Hornady LNL with no fancy feeders like some of you lucky loaders.

  6. I load 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP, .380ACP in about equal amounts, but I load .357Sig more than any other because of the huge cost savings over commercial ammo and because I LOVE this round!

  7. 40 S&W the most based upon inexpensive availability of brass mainly. All my boys shoot .40 and that seems to be their preferred round. Do load a lot of .41 mag for myself……it’s my favorite handgun round.

  8. that is quite tricky question, I started with 9mm Luger, than i got .45ACP for a while….. so probably those 2 are the most re loaded calls. Recently i bought .40S&W that can be no.3. Now I’m looking to start with .500S&W. Does anyone know about any sites wich can give you any more info about reloading this one (what type of powder, how much…etc) ???

  9. It’s w/o doubt, 9mm. But it’s due to a continuing fascination with so called “Action” shooting, i.e., USPSA, IDPA, etc.

    Actually fond of doing drills during practice sessions and with decent 9mm JHP’s bought in bulk costing as much as the good lighter weight .45’s did before the copper & lead being sucked up by the Chinese and being on a fixed income… It’d the only way to shoot quite a bit and not “go broke” !

    All that said, still won’t let the 1911’s in .45 & .40 lay dormant, so enjoy doing a “Charlie Petty” by loading and shooting them for as much accuracy as can wring out of them via precision handloading. Too much fun not to shoot them………

  10. My most used cartridge for pistol (and rifle as well) is the old 44/40! I also load 38, 9mm, 44Special, 44Magnum, 45ACP and 45 Colt in quantity, but the old 44WCF wins out, hands down.

  11. Check your spelling on the following page: compination !!!! needs to read combination. att.


    Now, I know some of you are going to say: “Hey what about having more than one press?”. Well, that’s going to be a requirement for serious shooters that shoot both pistol and rifle. Either the


    of a Single Stage and a Progressive, or a Turret and a Progressive can be good options for the well-rounded reloading shop.

  12. I load .32acp, 380acp. .38/.357, .45acp & .45 colt. Most is .45acp to practice with carry pistols.
    Lately have started playing with “cowboy” single actions & lever rifles in .357 & .45 colt so may change a little. Little stuff is for practice rounds for my wife’s purse guns.

  13. I load 38/357, 44 Mag and Special, a few 45 Colt. But hands down more 45 ACP then any of the others.
    Bullet casting is the only way to go. 4 pennies a round, hard to beat!

  14. Sometimes it depends on my mood on what handgun I take out and practice with. Since I have three 9mm handguns….I have a tendency to burn more 9mm than the 40 S&W’s or my 45 ACP’s. Last on the list is rounds for my 357 Mag then the lowly 38 Special. It really has nothing to do with the round as it does with the handguns. Revolvers…357 and the 38 Special….these handguns are for it must work under any conditions. Hence…these are the two handguns I travel with. So I use them in training of course.

    Casting is actually simplified…I cast four different bullets. 230 Grain for the 45 ACP’s…175 Grain for the 40 S&W’s…and 124 Grain for the 9mm’s…and 158 Grain for the 357 and 38 Special….all tumble lube Lee molds and bullets sized before and after sizing.

    This poll doesn’t involve rifle cartridge reloading (And that is in addition to reloading for handguns!!)…but one can see that you can spend a whole lot of time reloading and the related procedures needed to reload. And let’s not get into the firearms maintenance/cleaning.

    Price a box of 45 ACP ammo ain’t cheap these days. Even Wolf/Tulammo will run close to $20.00 with tax. Reloading takes time…but unless you are rolling with $$$$$$$…well…I could not train if I did not reload.

  15. 9mm & .38sp. I tend to shoot more 9mm just because the mags hold more rounds. I can reload a revolver smoothly and quickly but I just tend to take more time and care with each round in a wheel gun.

    For this reason I usually don’t load multiple mags unless I am practising semi auto reloads. Forces me to take a break and slow down

  16. .380 auto – wife and I carry identical .380 autos. Load the same factory load we carry with for our Tuesday range day.

    Been reloading 38/357 since the early 80’s, still using the same brass I purchased from the military.

    Also reload – 44 Magnum, 9mm. Plus several rifle.

  17. So far I only reload 45 ACP. It has been tough getting dies and shell plates, but that has changed. Found some 40 cal dies and 223. Shell plates are ordered and should be here soon.

  18. I load a lot more 45 than all the others but I currently load for 45acp, 44mag, 40 s&w, 38&357, 9, & 32acp along with 223, 22-250, 25-06, 6.5×55, 270, 280, 7mm-08, 308, 30-06, & 300 SAUM.

    In these times of ammo shortage, I’ve found the gift of loaded rounds to be greatly appreciated (read birthday and Christmas gifts)!

    I’ve been loading over twenty years. I’m single and don’t watch much tv so I’ve got plenty of time to spend in my loading room.

  19. I hold the .38 Special in high regard, it’s my favorite round. The recoil is mild, it’s cheap to reload with cast bullets and accuracy is right up there. That said, the .45 ACP comes a close 2nd with me. When I feeling like packing some serious heat I “traigo mi cuarenta y cinco” as the Mexican folk song goes. But when packin’ around town the .38 usually is the one along for the ride simply because those J-Frame S&Ws are so handy.

    In this culture where men can’t spit, cuss and talk about fine looking women like we used to, it’s good to know that we can still strap a manly thing like a revolver or .45 auto on our hip and bop tin cans all day. Being able to do it with reloads that you made yourself just makes it that much more fun.

  20. My choice was .45 Colt for my cowboy guns both revolvers & lever guns. Next would be .45acp for bulls-eye competition, several others too. You just can’t list every cartridge folks reload for.

  21. I reload 7.62 Tok as 30 cal Mauser with less powder to use on a C96 since original ammo is nowhere to be found! Even commercial 7.62 Tok is too hot for C96, why take a chance and break a mint numbers matching gun? Also reload 9mm, .45ACP, .223, .308 Win! Can’t do F/TR or PRS without reloading! It’s all good!

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