Tag: Hornady brass

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TESTED: Hornady 100 Grain 6.5 ELD-VT Precision Varmint Bullet

Hornady’s ELD-VT, new for 2024, has a heat shield tip, AMP jacket, and unique weight to length. It is designed for varmint hunting with rapid fragmentation and precision performance.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website […]

Solid Copper Mystery Solved: Should you Hunt Bear with Copper? (Guy’s Back Country Bear Hunt)

I was both surprised and pleased to get a call from Gary Cameron, owner of Cameron Outfitters. I’d hunted bear with him last year, but hadn’t gotten a shot at one. He called in late May, saying that he had an opening at his backcountry bear camp and asked if I wanted to go hunting. […]

Accurate AND Cheap? 44 Magnum Budget Loads! Tests & Considerations for Berry’s 240gr Target HP

My .44 Magnum revolver shooting needs work, but ammunition is expensive! I loaded up some 240 grain Berry’s plated bullets for some more practice!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading […]

Hornady’s 240 grain .44 Caliber XTP for Hunting?

I’ve always wanted to consistently harvest big game with a revolver. While I need more practice, I’ve settled on an ideal hunting bullet for my .44 Magnum— the 240 grain Hornady XTP. Here’s why! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The […]

How Good Are They? Berry’s 124 Gr. HBRN-TP 9mm Bullet

I’ve long trusted Berry’s plated bullets for economical practice loads — but how accurate are they? Today we find out if you have to forgo accuracy for lower cost!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website […]

Less is More? Using a SMALLER Cartridge for Grizzly, Why? (30-06 vs 375 H&H)

I had long wanted to hunt grizzly in Alaska, and finally saved enough to pay for the hunt. There’s a lot to consider when contemplating a grizzly hunt, from the gun to the cartridge, terrain, and location!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you […]

Head to Head: .357 SIG and .40 S&W

Next in our head-to-head series: .40 S&W vs. .357 SIG. Both of these cartridges were incredibly popular with law enforcement in the 1990s. Today, not so much. What happened and which of the two is superior? Watch or read on to find out!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this […]

50 BMG Precision Loads with Triebel

Today we’re loading some match .50 BMG for the Incredible Hulk using Triebel dies!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) is for demonstration […]

Head to Head: .357 Magnum and .38+P

I recently compared .45 ACP and 10mm. Today I’m pitting .357 Magnum and .38 Special + P against one another!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing […]

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