Tag: SKS

Reloading 7.62x39mm with Berry’s 123 grain Bullets

Most people that shoot 7.62x39mm don’t think about reloading for it. But when you want something specific ballistically (subsonic for example), independence from ammo shortages, or even to save money: it makes total sense to reload this cartridge. In this article and video, we’ll take a look at a great bullet for this application: Berry’s […]

Ultimate Reloader Deal: Save 10% on 7.62x39mm Brass at Capital Cartridge

Wanting to load 7.62x39mm ammunition for your AK-47 or SKS? Having a hard time finding reloadable brass? You’re not alone! But there’s an answer! Capital Cartridge has a plentiful supply of 7.62x39mm once fired brass you can order in bulk. I’ve been using this brass (check out my recent post on reloading 7.62x39mm brass for […]

High-Performance 7.62x39mm Reloads for the AK-47

A lot of people love to collect and Shoot AK-47 style rifles, and for good reason. The AK platform is very practical, can be cost effective (in good political climates), is extremely reliable, is hard hitting, and these rifles have an epic legacy. Many AK owners do a lot of shooting, but very few reload their […]

Century Arms N-PAP AK Unboxing and First Shots

There’s nothing quite like the anticipation when you’re about to take a new gun to the range. You may have had your eye on a particular firearm for a long time, or put one on special order. Then comes the moment when you load the magazine and prepare for those first shots. That’s what I […]

Come With Me To Pick Up My AK-47

I guess you could say it was predictable: Right after the 2016 shooting in Orlando Florida, politicians followed the typical knee-jerk “playbook” – we need to ban so-called assault rifles, right? Wrong. I’m a strong believer that restricting law-abiding citizens from buying guns as counter-productive and harmful. Just like “no gun signs” in buildings, businesses, parks, […]