Tag: AR-15 build

AR-15 Precision Rifle Build DVD now available!

Today, I’m excited to announce that my first DVD production is available for purchase! This DVD contains the entire series of build videos from the AR-MPR project. If you are thinking about building an AR-15, this DVD will help guide you through planning and the build process. Here’s a list of the chapters included on […]

Coming soon to a home theatre near you! AR-15 Rifle Build DVD!

**Update: The DVDs have arrived, and are now available for purchase here: http://ultimatereloader.com/store. Thanks everyone! Hello everyone! Over the last month, I’ve been working on an exciting new project: my first production DVD. This DVD is what I call a “Web-Series” DVD which brings together a collection of content originally published on Ultimate Reloader onto […]

AR-MPR: Mounting Nikon Monarch Scope and M-223 Mount

In this post, we’ll look at what’s involved in mounting the Nikon Monarch 6-24 x 50mm riflescope to our AR-15 using the Nikon M-223 scope mount. Before we get on with the video, let’s take a look at the finished product: What’s nice here about using the Midwest Industries quad rail handguard, is the “continuous […]

AR-MPR: Build Part 7 – Lower – Buttstock and Mating Upper Lower

In this, the final AR-15 assembly video, we’ll walk through the installation of the takedown pin and the buttstock assembly. Finally, we’ll put the upper and lower together for the first time and establish basic functionality (formal function check to follow in subsequent posts). After all of the planning and work that went into getting […]

AR-MPR: Build Part 6 – Lower – Trigger Grip and Safety

Continuing our way through the lower build steps, in this video, we’ll look at installing the Geissele national match trigger assembly, the trigger guard, the safety selector lever assembly, and the pistol grip.       Next, it’s on to the stock and final touches! Thanks,Gavin  

AR-MPR: Build Part 5 – Lower – Magazine Catch Bolt Catch Pivot Pin

In this video, we’ll start the assembly of the lower by walking through the installation of the magazine catch, the bolt catch, and the pivot pin. You’ll see a trick for installing the pivot pin that makes use of a dulled razor blade, and a modified section of drill rod. From the video, in this […]

Weekend AR-15 build – Gary Wood’s A2 Style Carbine

    Gary Wood’s A2-style AR-15 (click for larger version) – Image Copyright 2010 Ultimate Reloader This weekend, we (some friends and myself) put together a lower from scratch, and mated this assembled lower to a pre-assembled 16″ barrel upper. This was both a fun project, and good practice for the upcoming videos on lower […]