Armanov makes tools that make reloading simpler. This time, they’re making using the Dillon RL1100 even easier!
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About the Quick Change Toolhead Assembly
In one of our last videos, we set up the Dillon RL1100 for precision .223 reloading with great results from our .223 trainer.
This time, we’re making some adding the Armanov quick-change toolhead which accepts Hornady lock-n-load bushings! These make die set-up and caliber changeovers extremely quick and easy. This new toolhead also has a light!
From Armanov:
Change Any Die in Seconds
A completely redesigned toolhead allows quick die change with supplied wrench by using Hornady Lock-N-Load Bushing system.
LNL bushings (male) are sold separately.
Integrated LED Light
See clearly what’s going on in your workspace. LED lights are bright, kind to eyes and energy efficient.
Simplified Shellplate Lock Ring
New, improved Shellplate Lock Ring now needs only one threadlocker instead of 4.
Armanov toolhead for Dillon RL1100/Super 1050 replaces original Dillon parts 66024 and 20420.
What’s in the Box
The aircraft-grade high-strength anodized aluminum toolhead comes with pressed-in pins, two ratchets with casefeed cam, a shellplate lock ring with thread-locker screw pin, an integrated LED light ring, and a 3mm Hex key.
It has six spaces for lock-n-load bushings and one regular space over the priming station for a hold down die.
Other Upgrades
We have a few other upgrades as well — Armanov’s hi-flow powder funnel and free-float lock rings, which allows each die to free-float within the toolhead.

Armanov’s free-float lock rings are supposed to free-float in tandem with their lock-n-load bushings, as well as their toolheads for the Dillon XL650/XL750 and Dillon RL550C.
A side note – Armanov’s lock-n-load bushings have convenient wrench flats.
Installation was super easy — just remove the original lock ring and toolhead and replace it with the Armanov locking ring and toolhead. (Follow the original Dillon instructions.)
Armanov’s enhanced lock ring has a single set screw rather than the Dillon lock ring’s nylon bushings.
This single set screw is accessible from two locations, making it easy to reach and adjust.
Next, adjust the primer seating depth rod (on the toolhead) and install the lock-n-load bushings! (Armanov milled flats on the sides and includes a wrench with their bushing sets.)
This toolhead works for both the Dillon RL1100 and Dillon 1050. It comes with ratchets for both, but you only need to install the one relevant to your machine.
The light receives power from a cord that conveniently runs through the toolhead. (The light turns off and on with a simple touch!)
The blue anodized finish of this brilliantly machined toolhead adds a nice touch to this time-saving product.
The toolhead functioned perfectly and I also really appreciate the extra built-in light. I love the lock-n-load technology and applying it to a Dillon press is a worthwhile upgrade!
Get the Gear
Armanov Quick Change Toolhead Assembly for Dillon Super 1050 and Dillon RL1100
Hi-Flow Powder Funnel for Dillon Powder Measure – .223 Rem
Free Float Lock Ring for Dillon Toolhead
Lock-N-Load Bushings at Armanov and Midsouth Shooters Supply
Armanov Rifle 10-Round Stackable Ammo Checker
You can buy a Dillon RL 1100 directly from!
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