Tag: TC Compass

Converting Weaver Bases to Accept Picatinny Scope Rings

Why do we have standards that are “close but not quite compatible”? I ask myself that frequently when it comes to technology, tools, and firearms. I ran into this exact issue a few days ago when I went to install a scope on my TC Compass. The only scope rings I had that would work […]

NEW from Thompson Center: Discussion at SHOT Show 2019

If you’ve been watching and reading much here on Ultimate Reloader, it’s likely you’ve seen my Thompson Center 308 rifle review, and my Budget Precision 223 series. I’ve gotten great results from these rifles, and have some content coming up that will build on what I’ve been showing! While at the 2019 SHOT Show, I […]

Budget Precision .223: Results and Conclusion

When I started the “Budget Precision .223” project- I had high hopes. Hopes that I’d like a bolt action rifle in .223, hopes that I’d find a great load, hopes that everything would work together (including the LEE Deluxe Challenger Press Kit), and most of all that I’d have fun. Well, all of those things […]

Budget Precision .223: Priming, Charging, Seating

In my last post, I covered the first half of the precision reloading process using the LEE Deluxe Challenger Kit. In this post, we’ll finish off the process by covering priming, charging, and bullet seating. When these steps are complete, we’ll have ammunition we can take to the range and shoot in the .223 TC […]

Budget Precision .223: Project Kick-Off and TC Compass Setup

It’s a common misconception that you HAVE to spend big bucks to put together a precision shooting setup. Yes, a Porsche will have better fit and finish compared to a Subaru WRX STi, but the Subaru can still match the performance of some Porsches at a fraction of the cost. The Subaru may not be […]

Light Up the Sky: Reloading and Shooting .308 Tracers

Since I was a boy I’ve been drawn to fire and fireworks. To me, the 4th of July wasn’t just a day of celebrating, it was an entire week of improvisational pyrotechnical “experiences”. Fast forward from 1985 to 2017, and I’m still just as excited about fire and destruction. So when friend Jim Findlay recently […]

TC Compass Hands-On: From Unboxing to 600 Yards

For value-minded rifle buyers, there’s never been a better time than right now! Over the last 10 years, the “standard equipment” list of features and attributes for entry-level rifles has gotten better and better. If you told me 10 years ago that I’d be able to buy a rifle for $350-ish that was loaded with […]