Tag: Barrel Lapping

AR Accurizing course is now available from Gordy Gritters and Gavin Gear

Hello everyone! I’m happy to announce that Gordy Gritters and myself have just launched our long-awaited Accurizing the AR Platform online training. Here’s more information about this course: From our landing page: AR rifles can be made to be extremely accurate – want to learn how this can be done?   Gordy Gritters with Extreme Accuracy […]

Gordy Gritters’ Precision Rifle Building Class Overview (Extreme Accuracy Institute)

Ever dream of building your own custom rifle? Do you want to take your gunsmithing skills to the next level? Gordy Gritters’ Extreme Accuracy Institute is worth a closer look. In this story, I’ll review my experiences taking this class! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching […]