Tag: AMP Annealing

NEW: AMP MARK II DB! (Save your settings with database, and better ergonomics with touchscreen)

Annealing just got better with the new AMP MARK II DB! It’s no secret that a precision-minded reloader should be annealing to get the most performance and life out of their brass. The AMP Annealer has had a home here at Ultimate Reloader for years for just that reason, and we just got the upgrade. […]

UR Update: Win $50 Starline Brass Gift Certificate!

Here we are! Time for another UR update. Hope everyone is having a great summer, I am for sure. I’ve been shooting pretty much every day, and have been working on some great projects and stories. In this update, I’ll announce the Lyman All American 8 turret press winner, and give you all a chance […]