Boyds AK-47 Furniture Upgrade

I previously gave a brief overview of my Palmetto State AK in preparation for a Boyds upgrade, similar to one I did with an AR-15. Now, it’s finished!


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Boyds Upgrade

I’ve done a number of upgrade stories with Boyds Hardwood Gunstocks, primarily bolt actions. There are many reasons to swap out a stock, but improved ergonomics, more features, a better fit, and a different style are top of the list. YouTube limits me from showing a true AK “How-To” video, so I’m focusing on the before and after. While I’ve long been a fan of the AK-47 platform, this was my first time messing with AK furniture. It went much simpler than I expected.

I started out with a simple field strip, then removed the single grip screw and the two screws securing the buttstock.

(Be wary of the small bracket that comes out when you remove the buttstock.)

The handguard is split into two pieces. The gas tube and cover came off together by way of a lever. A second lever enables the front ring to slide forward so that the bottom forend can be removed. 

I tackled the rear of the rifle first, fitting the buttstock, marking the location for a clearance wood screw, and milling it out.

Next came the grip. An included washer helps keep the wood from crushing.

I then rotated the gas tube cover off and replaced it with the wooden Boyds cover. It was tight, but still fit nicely into place.

The only fitting I had to do was on the bottom forend. I trimmed a small part of the handguard off for a better fit.

I used a milling machine, but this also could be done with a file. The lever was hard to push over, I had to use a rubber mallet, taking care not to damage anything. To finish everything off, I added the Backcountry suppressor


Everything functioned perfectly and this gun was fun to shoot! 


The Boyds AK furniture is so much more solid than the original furniture. I didn’t realize this until I removed the synthetic pieces and realized how flimsy it was. It’s also got a unique design. Also be sure to check out their AR-15 furniture!

Get the Gear

Boyds Gunstocks

Palmetto State Armory AK-47 GF3 Polymer Classic

Purchase the BANISH Backcountry directly from Silencer Central.

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Gavin Gear

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