Tag: Facebook

Ultimate Reloader is on Instagram!

Ultimate Reloader is now on Instagram! I’ll be sharing a bunch of cool photos, and give people a preview/teaser of things to come now and then… Please follow us to find out more! https://www.instagram.com/ultimatereloader/ If you have an Instagram account you want to share including your own, please leave a comment! To visit Ultimate Reloader […]

Enter To Win a Complete MEC Sizemaster 12 Gauge Reloading Outfit

OK everyone, it’s GIVE-AWAY TIME! I just started loading with the MEC Sizemaster (see my post here) and absolutely love this shotshell press. So I have teamed up with Precision Reloading and MEC Shooting Sports to put together a complete 12 MEC Sizemaster reloading outfit with pretty much everything you’ll need to start reloading shotshells. […]

More Updates, and How to Support Ultimate Reloader

Hello everyone! It’s been a crazy couple weeks, but things are moving along, and I wanted to give some quick updates! First, thank you to everyone for your support! I appreciate all of the kind comments, and the loyalty many of you have shown. Video Hosting Backup Plan: Success In the last couple days I […]

Poll: What Social Media Services Do You Use?

Hey everyone, I’m wondering where you all discuss gun related topics online and with apps on your phones/tablets. As I plan how to make future investments in Ultimate Reloader, I’d like to make sure these investments are aligned with where you all are hanging out! Please take a minute to check each of the sites […]