Tag: Built American

NEW: Bergara Premier Actions + 7mm SAUM Build

We’ve got good news! Bergara is now offering stand alone rifle actions! We crafted a 7mm SAUM around Bergara’s new Premier Action. (Use code UR15 to save 15% from Bergara!) Watch the video to see the build components, machining, assembly, and Cerakote work as well as the finished product!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making […]

Ultradyne Tikka T3x Laser+Cerakote Makeover Miami Vice Style!

Customization through Cerakote and laser imaging is one of my favorite projects. I recently gave my Tikka T3x in Ultradyne UD5 a complete visual overhaul—Miami Vice style.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, […]

Black Friday 2024: Industry Deals with UR

It’s that time of year – Black Friday Time! So, we reached out to our industry partners and asked for any info regarding Black Friday Deals they were putting on. They delivered!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content […]

Complete Rebuild: Transforming a .308 Mossberg Patriot

I recently took apart Jim Harmer’s troublesome Mossberg Patriot just to take a look. I agreed it was the worst-performing bolt-action rifle I’d ever fired. Since then, I got to work and completely transformed it!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these […]

What Do You Need to Chamber Rifles?

Ever dream of chambering your own rifle barrels? Not just barrels, but benchrest-quality barrels capable of incredible precision? In this video, brought to you by the Colorado School of Trades and OTM Tactical, I walk through the equipment, machinery, training, and investment you’ll need to do just that! (Use code UR5 to save 5% on […]

NEW Pro Cerakote Spray Booth from Built American!

If you use the UR5 discount code, you can save 5% site-wide at Built American!) We recently showed our new Built American Pro Cerakote Ovens in our Precision Rifle Concepts Cerakote shop. This time, we’re highlighting the Built American spray booth!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or […]

NEW: Affordable Pro Cerakote Ovens from Built American

We’ve got new Cerakote ovens at Ultimate Reloader! You’ve seen our small Cerakote shop. This time we’re expanding Precision Rifle Concepts into a full Cerakote shop with new Built American ovens! And if you use the UR5 discount code, you can save 5% site-wide at Built American! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal […]