Ultradyne offers a number of products featuring Dynalock. We recently tested the Ultradyne UD Carbon Tripod and Ballhead with this system and installed a Dynalock rail on our UD7 chassis!
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What is Dynalock?
Dynalock is an ARCA rail mounting mechanism that consists of a series of holes on an ARCA rail and pegs that click into them.

A great example of this is the Ultradyne UD Ballhead with Dynalock.

It has two small pegs that click into the rail, preventing the rifle from moving fore and aft and is easily adjustable with a thumb tension screw.

While the rifle shouldn’t move regardless, the Dynalock system provides another layer of security, even under heavy recoil.
The ARCA rail with Dynalock still works as an ARCA rail and the Ultradyne accessories with Dynalock still work on rails without Dynalock. It’s important to note there is no disadvantage. If I put a rifle with a regular ARCA rail on the Orbit ballhead with Dynalock and the pegs are in the up position, the rifle will simply push them out of the way.

The Dynalock system is not a different way of mounting but an extra layer of security within the popular ARCA system. 09
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Find the Ultradyne UD Carbon Tripod and Ballhead directly from UltradyneUSA!
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