Tag: Barnes Bullets

TESTED: Accurate MAGPRO Smokeless Powder

I’ve got an elk hunt quickly approaching and need a powerful and flat-shooting magnum. Let’s take a look at what’s a good powder for that!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition […]

Short Action King: 6.5 PRC for Open Country Hunting

Open country hunting presents challenges of range, wind, and lack of concealment. A short-action rifle can help reduce the weight of the hunting rifle, making your trek easier. However, some short action cartridges fall short, so to speak, on effectiveness at greater ranges. Can the 6.5 PRC provide a significant advantage? Let’s compare it with […]

How to Choose a Hunting Bullet

Hunting bullet selection is more important than the cartridge, rifle or scope! The bullet is our direct connection between hunter and game. There are many different hunting bullet designs and they all work in different ways. All the choices can be bewildering. How do you select one wisely?  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with […]

Less is More? Using a SMALLER Cartridge for Grizzly, Why? (30-06 vs 375 H&H)

I had long wanted to hunt grizzly in Alaska, and finally saved enough to pay for the hunt. There’s a lot to consider when contemplating a grizzly hunt, from the gun to the cartridge, terrain, and location!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you […]

Deer Rifles: It Doesn’t Take a Cannon

Deer, whether whitetail, blacktail or mule deer, are not huge animals. A big mature buck is rarely over 300 pounds and most are far smaller. They’re also really not very wide from side to side, have smallish bones and their hide isn’t particularly tough. This begs the question: Why do I hear deer hunters so […]

TESTED: Barnes 130 grain 30 Caliber TTSX Bullets

A 130 grain hunting bullet in .30 caliber? Yes, these bullets are screamers and accurate as well! Another well-regarded hunting bullet from our friends at Barnes Bullets.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, […]

2011 SHOT Show Starts Today in Las Vegas!

Hey everyone, hope some of you have the opportunity to attend the SHOT show this year… I we won’t be attending, but I do want to cover as much reloading product information as possible from afar… For starters, here’s some booths you may be interested in visiting: Hornady Manufacturing: Booth 13145Redding Reloading: Booth 16151Dillon Precision: […]