Tag: Arrow Products

TESTED: Hawkins Precision Updraft Brake (Cut Recoil!)

Hawkins Precision just introduced a new line of brakes called Updraft! In this video we put these brakes to the test on 2 different rifles. Does this new brake truly reduce recoil, and how much? Check it out. Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content […]

TESTED: Element Optics Helix HDLR 2-16×50

Element Optics’ Helix HDLR 2-16×50 recently found a home on the Bergara MgMicro Lite in 6.5 PRC. I  was happy with its range performance, but it’s time to put it on the optics test rig!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these […]

6mm ARC AR-15 Rock Vise Barrel Swap

Stumped by an AR-15 caliber changeover? In this video I secure a .350 Legend in the Rock Vise and convert it to 6mm ARC— step by step!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, […]

NEW: Tipton Best Gun Vise 360 Overview and Demos

Having a strong tool to hold your guns is incredibly important. Something as simple as mounting an optic is best accomplished using some kind of vise. I really love my top-tier Arrow Products Rock Vise and Orange Vise, but they are also out of budget for some people to own. Tipton’s new Best Gun Vise […]

Building a 2-Mile Rifle: .375 CheyTac Build

My Incredible Hulk .50 BMG rifle set me on the ELR path. I knew right away this was only an entry point and that I’d want a more serious ELR rifle – enter .375 CheyTac. This build is designed for ELR competition, something I’m looking forward to learning under the mentorship of King of 1 […]

Arrow Products Rock Vise

Made in the USA is the new Arrow Products Rock Vise, a compact tool designed for gunsmiths!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) […]