MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate: Unboxing and Setup

In my small town, the shotgunning event of the week is the “Thursday night trap shoot”. I think it’s time for me to join in on the fun, and if I’m going to do well I need to do some SERIOUS practicing. And that means I need a LOT of 12 gauge shells. I have a couple new pieces of gear that should help me “get serious about my game” – one of them is the MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate. It’s going to take my 12 gauge loading to the next level because this press is motor driven, and is a 6-station full-progressive. I can’t wait! In this post, we’ll go from unboxing all the way to a fully setup press. The next post will cover fully progressive 12 gauge shotshell reloading. Let’s get to it!

What’s in the Box

The MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate comes with everything you’ll need to load shotshells except the components themselves, and some common reloader’s tools like a digital scale. Here’s what’s “in the box”: (click/tap to enlarge)

  • MEC 9000E press assembly (not shown, see overview)
  • MEC Auto-Mate motorized actuator base (not shown, see overview)
  • Instruction booklets, loading manual, MEC catalog (not shown, see video)

And the parts shown in the picture above:

  1. Reservoirs for shot and powder
  2. Shell slide (discharge chute)
  3. Spent primer tray
  4. Primer tray with 200 primer capacity
  5. Spent primer box (for use with Auto-Mate)
  6. Hardware for primer try, press mounting, extra Auto-Mate fuses
  7. Primer post assembly
  8. Powder bushings
  9. Truss rod

In about 30 minutes, you can have your MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate out of the box and ready to roll. That assumes you aren’t looking for your 1/2″ wrench for 15 minutes! The assembly is straightforward as outlined in the video.

One note- there is one additional step that entails fitting a rubber ring and metal washer that helps prevent powder spillage, see the steps in my MEC 600 Jr. Mark V setup blog/video for more details (also covered in instructions that are included with this press kit).

All Ready to Load

When you’re done setting up the MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate, your press will look like the picture above. It’s a super-nice looking press, and I think it’s going to really streamline my shotshell reloading- and make the process more fun at the same time!

Here are some specs for the 9000E with Auto-Mate:

  • Stations: 6
  • Drive: motorized
  • Primer capacity: 200 primers
  • Fully automated except wad placement
  • Available Gauges:
    • 12 Gauge, Model# 1009000E12
    • 16 Gauge, Model# 1009000E16
    • 20 Gauge, Model# 1009000E20
    • 28 Gauge, Model# 1009000E28
    • 410 Bore, Model# 1009000E410
  • MSRP: ~$1450.00 USD (varies slightly by model)
  • MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate Product Page

Looking Forward

I’ll tell you it’s kind of strange not having a press handle- the 9000E with Auto-Mate doesn’t have one! This is my first automated press drive system, so I’m really excited to give it a try (stay tuned for the next MEC story!). I’m anticipating loading many thousands of shells on this press. Do you have a MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate? I’d love to hear your impressions, experiences, and any tips/tricks you want to share. Please leave a comment!


6 thoughts on “MEC 9000E with Auto-Mate: Unboxing and Setup”

  1. Why load shotgun, buy it at Walmart. You can’t load it for what they sell a value pack for in Walmart. $25.00 a hundred rounds and $19 dollars and change when it on sale.

    1. Reloading shotshell may or may not be worth it for you- really depends on your goals (control over ballistics, etc), as well is if you shoot cheap or premium shells. 🙂

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