Tag: Shotgun

MEC Sizemaster: Unboxing, Overview, Loading 12 Gauge Shells

I can recall using my MEC 600 Jr. Mark V, and thinking to myself- it would be nice if this press had a priming system built in… Fast forward to today, and I found what I was looking for with the MEC Sizemaster. It also has a powerful collet sizing system which reminds me of […]

MEC 100E Clay Thrower: Unboxing and Setup

An unfair advantage. That’s what I want when I go to shoot clays with friends. Like the guy that has a Donkey Kong console in his man cave- and then invites friends over so that he can beat them. Oh, and I also just want to have fun shotgunning, and share that fun with friends. […]

MEC 600 JR Mark V: Loading 20 Gauge Shells

It feels really good to be loading shotshells again. I’ve been so busy with metallic reloading and shooting recently that I haven’t made shotgunning a priority. A recent trip with my brother-in-law skeet shooting has motivated me to get the shotguns out more frequently. I’ve also used up much of my 20 gauge shells taking […]

MEC 600 JR Mark V: Unboxing and Setup

It’s been a while since I’ve done a lot of shotshell reloading, and I’m feeling the “call” – so it’s officially time to kick-off a bunch of shotshell shooting ad reloading content here on Ultimate Reloader! First, up, the MEC 600 JR Mark V shotshell reloading press. In this post, I’ll cover unboxing and setup, […]

RCBS Grand Shotshell Loader Part IV: Full Progressive Shotshell Reloading

In this blog series we’ve worked our way steadily from unboxing all the way to full progressive reloading with the RCBS GRAND 8-station reloading press:  RCBS Grand Shotshell Loader Part I: Unboxing  RCBS Grand Shotshell Loader Part II: Mounting and Overview  RCBS Grand Shotshell Loader Part III: Preparing to Load You are here – let’s […]

Video: Hornady 366 Shotshell Press Loading 12 Gauge

In this video I show loading 12 gauge previously fired shells and give you a few setup tips. The Hornady 366 press has a total of 8 primary stations, and a 9th station to the side for full-length sizing. There’s a *lot* to keep track of when loading shotshell, and I’m hoping that the video […]