Recently, I did some gunsmithing on a friend’s Taurus Model 66 357 Magnum revolver. I thought I’d take this opportunity to share a picture of this gun with you all. (I figure more gun pics is better than less gun pics, right?)
While we’re at it, do you all want to share your favorite 357 Magnum loads?
Happy shooting!
Here’s my favorite. My wife bought it for me in 1978. A 1978 Colt Python .357 Mag.
Here’s the raw link:
That’s a NICE GUN! I really want a blued Cold Python some day!!!
They are far to expensive for me now adays. The wife paid $360 for it new and a box of .357’s out the door in 1978. I looked for about 5yrs for a 4″ model that was priced right and gave up and bought a nickeled Trooper MK-III. I just waited to long to start looking.. Ha! Ha!
Guest we can’t link with photobucket ????
Yeah, haven’t enabled that or looked into the settings… A link should work though if you don’t use the [IMG] bbcode…
What work did you do on the gun?
That was a rear sight swap out (I damaged the old one, don’t ask how 🙂 )
I’d share my favorite, but haven’t gotten around to deciding which I like best. I do have a question about primers and would value your input.
trying to find a spring for model 66 an idiot lost it for me . The small spring that keeps the arm forward that spins the cylinder . looks like maybe 5/8 ” long with a solid end on it, I know im off subject just needing some help finding part. thanks or ignore which ever