I see you use all stages most of the time in your reloading press. I was just wondering why you used a Hornady bullet seating die instead of a Lee? And is this set up the 3 die or 4 die set you buy from lee? Thanks!
I use the Loadmaster in 2 ways.
I do not prime on the press during reloading as I clean primer pockets.
I have Turret heads for each caliber I reload all setup.
Loadmaster tool head is quick change
Clean the brass
Spare tool head is for initial brass prep. Use case feeder.
Station 1 Universal decap
Station 2 Resize with decap pin removed
Clean primer pockets
Either prime by hand or use Loadmaster priming with case feeder
I use a Powder Cop die or Lockout die during reloading for pre-cautionary measure
1st Option
Station 1 Expander die
Station 2 Powder Measure
Station 3 Powder Cop die
Station 4 Seat Die using Lee bullet feeder
Station 5 Crimp Die
2nd Option
Station 1 Powder measure with expander
Station 2 Powder Cop Die
Station 3 Bullet feeder, RCBS or Hornady
Station 4 Seat Die
Station 5 Crimp Die
Why did you chose not to use the case feed system with the 9mm like you did with the 45acp?
Some people use the case feeder, others don’t. There’s advantages either way (less setup -vs- greater speed).
I’m curious, why not use a carbide sizing die, instead of having to lube cases?
I actually use both! The lube makes the press work that much smoother, and if you’re using one-shot- it’s quick, easy, and doesn’t leave a residue…
I want to start reloading my own 45; 357; 9mm. I am a novice. What do I need to get to have a complete setup from beginning to end?
I see you use all stages most of the time in your reloading press. I was just wondering why you used a Hornady bullet seating die instead of a Lee? And is this set up the 3 die or 4 die set you buy from lee? Thanks!
I use the Loadmaster in 2 ways.
I do not prime on the press during reloading as I clean primer pockets.
I have Turret heads for each caliber I reload all setup.
Loadmaster tool head is quick change
Clean the brass
Spare tool head is for initial brass prep. Use case feeder.
Station 1 Universal decap
Station 2 Resize with decap pin removed
Clean primer pockets
Either prime by hand or use Loadmaster priming with case feeder
I use a Powder Cop die or Lockout die during reloading for pre-cautionary measure
1st Option
Station 1 Expander die
Station 2 Powder Measure
Station 3 Powder Cop die
Station 4 Seat Die using Lee bullet feeder
Station 5 Crimp Die
2nd Option
Station 1 Powder measure with expander
Station 2 Powder Cop Die
Station 3 Bullet feeder, RCBS or Hornady
Station 4 Seat Die
Station 5 Crimp Die