Tag: Tips and Tricks

Improve Your Die Setup: Lock Rings & Loading Full Progressive .308 on the X-10

We’ve been shooting a lot of .308 lately —in fact —we are out! We need to crank out a ton more, so this was a great time to set up a progressive press. I’ve been working with the Frankford Arsenal X-10 lately. Along the way, I’ve come across some notable gear like the Frankford Arsenal […]

FW Arms Challenge: How Many Decappers Broken Processing 40,000+ 223 Cases?

FW Arms is going to give away 10 of their premium decapper dies to Ultimate Reloader viewers! We just finished processing over 41,000 .223 Mojo Precision Cases through an auto-driven Mark 7 Apex 10 with FW Arms gear. This is the biggest reloading feat we’ve ever undertaken – an entire 55 gallon drum! There were […]

Backfire: What to Look for in a Rifle (Jim Harmer Interview)

What makes a good bolt-action rifle? With so many choices, what should you look for? Jim Harmer from Backfire lays it all out for us.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition […]

Quick Tip: Indexing Your Dies

If you are reloading rifle ammunition on a progressive reloading press, you just may be one of those “attention to detail” kind of guys. Rifle reloaders tend to be a bit obsessive about their reloading supplies, equipment, and processes. But some times we overlook the simple details that can make a difference. If you’re loading […]