Here in Washington state, we certainly have our challenges with firearm ownership. Today we have William Kirk from Washington Gun Law on the channel, a pro 2A attorney who tries to make Washington’s laws easy to understand.
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About William Kirk and Washington Gun Law
William Kirk runs Washington Gun Law, a YouTube channel dedicated to educating responsible gun owners in Washington state and nationwide. He does this by providing education and translating legalese.
From Washington Gun Law:
Arm Yourself with Knowledge Today. Washington Gun Law is a channel dedicated to the lawful and responsible gun owner in Washington state and nationwide. This channel will help educate gun owners as to their rights and responsibilities under Washington law. The the best way to be the lawful and responsible gun owner, is to know what the law is in every situation and how it applied to you in any instance that you find yourself. For more information visit us at
From William Kirk’s Website:
I am the statewide attorney for U.S. Law Shield, Firearm Owner’s Protection Program. Through my affiliation with U.S. Law Shield, I represent Washington residents, in firearms related matters throughout the State. In addition to having the privilege to represent thousands of lawful gun owners in this State, I also write the book on Washington Gun Laws.
Three Things You Need to Know
I asked Kirk what every gun owner should know. He stressed that every responsible gun owner should know the self-defense laws in his/her state, keeping in mind that each state is different. It’s important to understand the nuances. The most responsible gun owners “practice to stay out of the morgue, but where do [they] practice to stay out of prison?” Kirk recommends consulting an attorney in your home state and staying up to date on use of force and state gun laws, the second item on Kirk’s list. Thirdly, you should also understand federal gun laws and where they intersect with those of your state.
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