Precision Rifle Concepts is expanding! We now have a full studio within the gunsmithing business and three times the space!
Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) is for demonstration purposes only. Do not attempt any of the processes or procedures shown or described on this website. All gunsmithing procedures should be carried out by a qualified and licensed gunsmith at their own risk. Do not attempt to repair or modify any firearms based on information on this website. Ultimate Reloader, LLC and Making With Metal can not be held liable for property or personal damage due to viewers/readers of this website performing activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this website. By accepting these terms, you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this website.
We took an entire room at PRC and dedicated it to filming. This is a much more controlled environment than we typically have – giving us controlled sound and lighting for the first time. We also have a more simplified background, new lighting with honeycomb grids, and a full new bench complete with the Ultimate Reloader Bench System! This bench is bolted to the floor for extra stability. We also have plans to wall mount cameras to maximize the space.
This change is very exciting for us as it provides us a better studio with fiber internet to maximize content!
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Gavin Gear