Hornady Case Prep Center is in the shop!

I’m sure most of you have heard of or seen the new Hornady Case Prep Center. I now have one in my shop, and have used it a bit.

I’ll have to say, so far I’m really liking this piece of equipment. When you first pull down the main lever, you’ll be surprised at how smooth the stroke is, and how positive the stop is. It feels heavy and substantial.

I’m in the process of trimming and prepping all of my 44 magnum brass (old, used and abused) so getting this machine recently felt like “good timing”.

Here’s a shot I took of my case prep center in the studio:
Case Prep Center

Stay tuned for more details, videos, tips/tricks, etc. I’ll be showing rifle and pistol brass prep. Should be fun!

8 thoughts on “Hornady Case Prep Center is in the shop!”

  1. I got this for Christmas and I really like it. The only downside is that I had to buy Hornady shellholders for this. Redding shellholders will work also I am told. The center holes in my RCBS shellholders are too small. Other than that, it seems to be a great product.

  2. Does anyone know if the “RCBS Trim Pro Case Trimmer 3-Way Cutter” could be used with this unit? I’m looking at buying one of these Hornady Case Prep Centers and I thought it would be pretty sweet to be able to trim, chamfer and debur all in one operation on this drill press style trimmer

  3. I love your site, I found it through YouTube.

    I’m getting into reloading from ground zero. I’ve decided to go with a Hornady Sonic Cleaner, a Hornady Case Prep Center, a Lock n Load AP press, a Hornady GS1500 Electronic Scale, a funnel, a primer flip tray the, .308 and 9mm die sets. ALso a Lyman bullet puller.

    What am I living out? What additional tool would you recommend?

    Kindest regards,


  4. Hi,

    Thank you for the great videos on youtube. They are very helpful.

    I would like to ask if one always has to prep the cases before reloading the cases in a (progressive) press.

    Or is the case preparation step optional?

    If possible, could you make a video of all the steps of the reloading process? Starting from the just fired cases till the reloaded cartridges?

    That would be great for people who want to start like myself.

    Thank you very much.

    Kind regards,

  5. Curious about the trimmer in this unit. Just how precise is it? I’m just getting into reloading and was wondering if getting a quality manual case trimmer like the Wilson/Sinclair and then adding something like the RCBS case prep center or a bench drill press with accessories might give better results.

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