Ultimate Reloader Modular Bullet Tray System for Hornady

This modular bullet tray system attaches to your Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive reloading press in seconds and allows the use of hanging parts bins (one included) as bullet trays. This allows you to have bullets RIGHT NEXT to the cases you will be placing the bullets into. This is a great aid when reloading many rounds in succession. With this attachment, you can store your bullets in hanging bins (available at any home improvement store) and quickly hang them from the included bracket with no handling of bullets required- now that’s handy!

Product Discontinued: Sorry Everyone!

Proudly made entirely in the USA

Included in this kit:

  • Heavy duty welded steel bracket
  • Mounting screws (2)
  • One Akro Bin bullet tray (same style that comes with Lock-N-Load AP Progressive press)


Side View: Ultimate Reloader Bullet Tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load
Side View: Ultimate Reloader Bullet Tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load
Convenient bullet placement and proximity with the Ultimate Reloader Bullet Tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load
Convenient bullet placement and proximity with the Ultimate Reloader Bullet Tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load

Installation is quick and easy, the bracket stays on the press, and you can use any appropriately sized Akro-bin compatible plastic bin:

Installation step 1: Place bracket on vertical frame member at angle
Installation step 1: Place bracket on vertical frame member at angle, firmly rotate into position
Installation step 2: Firmly press bracket into place
Installation step 2: Firmly press bracket into place



Installation step 3: Firmly tighten screws against frame member (will leave marks on press casting)
Installation step 3: Firmly tighten screws against frame member (will leave marks on press casting)



Here’s what you get with this kit:

Included with the Ultimate Reloader bullet tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load
Included with the Ultimate Reloader bullet tray for Hornady Lock-N-Load

9 thoughts on “Ultimate Reloader Modular Bullet Tray System for Hornady”

  1. Love your site and videos. I am interested in both of your items. Do you offer any discount if we purchase both modular bullet tray system and the roller handle? Also, can you tell me if there is a way to make the Lee expander die with powder through work with the Hornady case activated powder drop? Or do I need to purchase the Hornady powder through expanders? I have carbide dies from lee, if i need to use the Hornady powder through expander will i need to lube the brass? Sorry for the questions you just seem to be well versed. doug

  2. Thanks Doug! I can offer a combined discount, just shoot me a mail – info@ (this website) .com (don’t want to put address in here for spam reasons. 🙂

    I would suggest using the PTX expanders instead of the lee system, although that sounds like a fun project making an adapter (do you have a metal lathe? 🙂 )

  3. I am interested in this I have been thinking about doing this to my machine anyway.I also would like to know about the case expanders? I put the Dillon handle on my press and the low primer sensor. Which press do you like better the Dillon or the Hornady? I have both but would like someone elses idea.let me know on the expanders I load 40 S&W 45Acp 45 Lc 357 mag 44 mag.
    I would like to get the bullet tray and expanders if possible togetther. my powder measure is old style so I would have to update it to work with the expanders.Hornady has the kit.
    Thanks for a great video
    Rocky Carey

  4. Doug, I have a benchtop lathe and I filed down the base of the Lee factory crimp die to work with the LNL, so I’m sure the Hdy powder drop could work with the Lee expander. You would need to remove the Hdy case activated drop and re-install on the Lee die as well as possibly turn down the internal drop tube

  5. What a great looking product. I just set up my new lnl ap this weekend and with your video help ran my first batch of 45s. After reaching around the press to grab bullets I thought that this product is a must have, I am sorry to see it discontinued.
    I love the videos Thanks.

  6. Gavin, I really like this bracket that holds the bullet bin in front of the Hornady AP. How do I go about getting one? Thanks for your help!
    Capt. Legg
    Texas DPS

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