Tag: Built American oven

Complete Rebuild: Transforming a .308 Mossberg Patriot

I recently took apart Jim Harmer’s troublesome Mossberg Patriot just to take a look. I agreed it was the worst-performing bolt-action rifle I’d ever fired. Since then, I got to work and completely transformed it!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these […]

Building a 2-Mile Rifle: .375 CheyTac Build

My Incredible Hulk .50 BMG rifle set me on the ELR path. I knew right away this was only an entry point and that I’d want a more serious ELR rifle – enter .375 CheyTac. This build is designed for ELR competition, something I’m looking forward to learning under the mentorship of King of 1 […]