Tag: Frankford Arsenal X-10

Optimizing Bullet Feed: X-10 Progressive 9mm Loading

Frankford Arsenal’s X-10 sports lots of room for a variety of dies and checks. Rather than process brass in one sequence and load in another, today I’m making use of the X-10’s many stations for an end-to-end process. Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content […]

9mm Case Processing Hack: NEW Hybrid Die from FW Arms

FW Arms’ .223 dies were central to the success of our mega brass processing project with Mojo Precision and Mark 7. This time, we’re testing FW Arms’ 9mm hybrid sizing die with dynamic spring hold down!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept […]

Progressive Press Quick Start Guide

Have you thought about progressive reloading but don’t know where to start? This video will give you a quick primer to help get you started!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition […]

Frankford Arsenal X-10 Bullet Feeder: Unboxing, Setup, Loading 9mm

While I’ve done several stories with the Frankford Arsenal X-10 Progressive Press, I decided it was time for Ultimate Reloader’s Kyle Shields to set up the production version, and to add the new bullet feeder! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these […]

THE Progressive Press Shootout (12 presses compared)

Here it is! The long-awaited Progressive Press Shootout! This article and accompanying video is the most exhaustive and most in-depth look at progressive press reloading equipment. My goal is to help raise your level of awareness regarding what’s on the market and also to supply you with the insights, data, and supporting information to make […]