Tag: A&D EJ-54D2

Reloading Precision 7mm PRC on Dillon 550C Progressive

Can you make match-winning precision ammunition on a progressive press? The conventional thinking is that you have to use a single-stage press to load precision ammo, but I won my 2023 national championship after loading everything on a Dillon progressive press. That’s right, not only is it possible, but I’ve done it. Today I’m sharing […]

How Good Are They? Berry’s 124 Gr. HBRN-TP 9mm Bullet

I’ve long trusted Berry’s plated bullets for economical practice loads — but how accurate are they? Today we find out if you have to forgo accuracy for lower cost!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website […]