Case Cleaning with Dillon’s Vibratory Cleaner & Media Separator (CV-2001 and CM-2000) in BULK!

Our most recent insane project is bulk-processing 55-gallon drums of once-fired 9mm and .223 brass from Mojo Precision! With approximately 45,000 .223 cases and 80,000 9mm cases to clean, we got to work with the Dillon CV-2001 and CM-2000! 


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About the Project

We are bulk-processing 55-gallon drums of once-fired 9mm and .223 brass from Mojo Precision on the Mark 7 Apex 10!

We will be documenting the entire process from how long it takes to how many decapping pins we break and how many stoppages we have. We will be using dies from FW Arms.

About the Dillon CV-2001

Though we’ve covered nearly every product category from Dillon Precision on the channel, we haven’t touched Dillon case cleaning products, until now!

I prefer dry-tumbling, so I turned to Dillon’s CV-2001. This vibratory tumbler is the largest on the market. If you want something smaller, consider the Dillon CV-750!

From Dillon Precision:

Dillon’s CV2001 Vibratory Case Cleaner is the big brother to the CV750.   The largest case cleaner  in the industry,  it features a 12-1/2 quart bowl  capacity allowing you to polish up to 1,300 .38/.357 or 550 .30-06 cases per hour.  Not only is our capacity greater, but our motor is larger, has more horse power, is internally cooled, thermally protected, and turns on precision ball bearings.  This is no “hobby” machine!

The bowl and base are constructed of 7/32″ thick injection molded high-strength polypropylene which is impact and abrasion resistant.   All the electrical/electronic components of the CV-2001 are covered by a five-year warranty from date of purchase. This unit is designed for dry media only. Use of water or wet media will void the warranty.

About the Dillon CM-2000

To separate the walnut hull media from the brass, I’m using the massive Dillon CM-2000. If you prefer or just need a smaller case/media separator, consider the CM-500.

The CM-2000 basket comes pre-assembled — I just had to add the brackets to the bin and add the basket and crank. 

From Dillon Precision:

After we sold thousands of our famous first-generation FL-2000 case cleaners, customers who had purchased them began asking us to address the problem of separating the cleaned and polished brass from the cleaning media. We knew from the beginning that the simplest method of separating would be a rotating cage, but we had to find a design we could manufacture economically. Our problem was that it had to be BIG — big enough to handle the entire load of the FL-2000-series case cleaners. The solution was an injection molded reversible part. It’s simple, and it works great. The CM-2000 Case/Media Separator is large, 10″ x 14″, and will hold more than 1,600 .38 Special cases. It sits on a large media collection tub that measures 18″ x 22″. The tub keeps the mess off the floor and bench. It’s fast, so fast it will remove media from 1500 rounds of .223 brass in a matter of seconds. That’s plenty of space to take on the first generation FL-2000 or its replacement the CV-2001.

Brass Cleaning

Some of our cases came polished, so I started with the unclean brass.

I added a tub of cases, walnut hull media, and rapid polish 290. (Shake the polish first!)

I started the tumbler and let it run for approximately an hour and a half.

Happy with the results, I dumped the tumbler contents into the CM-2000 basket and sifted until no more media dropped from the basket.

Dillon offers shell sorters to quickly and easily separate popular calibers. Our brass was already presorted, so I didn’t need to use them!


I was very happy with the results and ease of this tumbling session.

Before (left) and After (right) Tumbling

What makes the CV-2001 and CM-2000 stand out is their extremely large capacity. Though we still have a lot to do, processing large numbers of cases at a time will greatly expedite the process!

Also, remember that Mojo Precision not only sells once-fired brass but is also always looking for brass to buy! 

Get the Gear

Dillon CV-2001 Vibratory Case Tumbler

Dillon CM-2000 Case/Media Separator at Creedmoor Sports

Walnut Hull Polishing Media

Dillon Case Lube & Rapid Polish 290

Dillon CV-750 Tumbler at Creedmoor Sports

Dillon CM-500 Separator at Creedmoor Sports

Dillon Shell Sorters

Mojo Precision – Use Code UR10 to Save 10% on All Casings

FW Arms – Use Code UR10 for 10% Off Your Entire Purchase!  

Mark 7 Apex 10

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Gavin Gear

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