Category: Uncategorized

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TriggrCon 2017: In-Motion Targets and Rifle Sticks

The shooting sports industry and community is a small world! While at TriggrCon 2017, I saw quite a few familiar local companies, one of which was In-Motion Targets. Talking with the guys at the In-Motion booth, we realized quickly that we knew some of the same people in the PNW PRS and general shooting circles. […]

.308 Tracer 7.62x39mm Reloads for the AK-47

What’s better than shooting your AK-47? Shooting your AK-47 with tracers! That’s what I’m going to cover in this post. If you haven’t already done so, you’ll want to get caught up with things by reading and watching the following resources I’ve published recently: Light Up the Sky: Reloading and Shooting .308 Tracers High-Performance 7.62x39mm […]

Century Arms N-PAP AK: Scope and Scope Mount

Spring is here, and it’s time to do some outside shooting, a LOT of outside shooting! Part of this season change for me is the opportunity to resume the AK and 7.62x39mm shooting/reloading project I kicked off before Winter. I’ve already gotten some rounds through my Century Arms N-PAP AK variant, and next I’m going […]

Reloading .357 SIG for the Glock 20

Wait a second, isn’t the Glock 20 chambered in 10mm Auto? What does .357 SIG have to do with the Glock 20 then? I’m glad you asked! The Glock 20 is awesome, but you can have even more fun with the “G20” with the addition of inexpensive drop-in barrels for different cartridges. With my Glock […]

Exclusive Look: Redding New Products for 2017

If you are a fan of Redding Reloading Equipment products as I am, you’re going to be excited when you read this post! Through some patient persistence, I was able to get the “first look” at Redding’s new product announcements for the 2017 calendar year and SHOT Show. The theme this year is dies, dies, […]

Merry Christmas 2016 from Ultimate Reloader

It’s been a great year, and I want to wish everyone out there a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I’m hoping that you are able to celebrate with friends and family, perhaps enjoy a walk in the snow, and hopefully get some great shooting/reloading presents! I’m feeling excited looking forward to the next year here on Ultimate […]

When Reloading Goes Wrong: Hornady Cam Lock Bullet Puller

I’m going to load a bunch of 9mm today! That was my plan, and I couldn’t wait to go shoot a bunch of the ammo with my Glock 17. Everything was going “great” until I noticed the powder level seemed to be getting higher as I was loading. “That just doesn’t look right” I thought. […]

LEE New Auto Prime Tool: Overview, Priming .223 and .308 Cases

Priming cases is one of the most important steps in the ammunition reloading process. It can also be the most frustrating! If you want to optimize your reloading workflow, it’s imperative that you have a priming setup that’s easy to use and performs up to your expectations. In this post, I’m going to show LEE’s […]

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