Tag: 6.5x47mm

Exclusive Look: Redding New Products for 2017

If you are a fan of Redding Reloading Equipment products as I am, you’re going to be excited when you read this post! Through some patient persistence, I was able to get the “first look” at Redding’s new product announcements for the 2017 calendar year and SHOT Show. The theme this year is dies, dies, […]

Meet the 6.5 Guys

One of the things I enjoy most about what I do with Ultimate Reloader is meeting like minded people who share a passion for any number of my hobbies. Some of these interests include reloading, shooting, motorcycles, diesel and heavy equipment, fabrication and machining, technology, videography/sound, photography, retro iron, and the list goes on! Recently, […]

Ultimate Reloader Moves to the Country

Anyone that lives in the city can tell you just how difficult, limiting, and expensive shooting can be when you don’t have access to the country. I once joined a shooting range with the understanding that I’d be able to shoot photos and videos for this website, only to find out that they would later […]