Deal Alert! Free Bullet Collator with X-10 Purchase at Midsouth Shooters Supply

Been thinking about getting an X-10? Get a free bullet collator with purchase from Midsouth Shooters Supply! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) […]

Save 10% on WOOX Stocks and More!

We’ve partnered with WOOX to bring you a special discount, 10% off site-wide when you use the ultimaterelaoder10 discount code!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing […]

9mm Brass is IN STOCK at Creedmoor Sports (Limited Time)

For a limited time, Creedmoor Sports has a special shipment of 9mm Parabellum brass in stock! Rare Opportunity You may not know about Lapua pistol brass, and that’s because the majority of this brass gets sold in Europe for both military and law enforcement agencies/entities. Creedmoor Sports had a rare opportunity to buy up a […]