Tag: 9mm Luger

Head-to-Head: 9mm vs. .380 ACP for Self Defense

A number of companies make compact carry pistols in both 9mm and .380 ACP, marketing .380 to women and those who desire less recoil. Besides size, what really are the differences between these two cartridges?  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these […]

Frankford Arsenal Vibraprime Speeds Up Primer Tube Loading

So how many rounds per hour does your press load? It’s a question we’ve all been asked. Well let’s see, if I can keep moving I can do about 700 rounds per hour, but I have to stop and refill powder, load primers, let’s figure about 500 rounds per hour with all of the stoppages […]

By Request: Generic Ammo Box Labels (PDF)

It’s great to be able to print out your own ammo box labels, this is a super-important part of keeping track of your ammunition. A while back I posted free ammo box labels for a variety of cartridges. Based on some requests from all you readers, I’ve included a “generic” ammo box label  in this […]

Versatile Powders: W231 Load Data

Being able to use a single powder for multiple applications is a great benefit. This standardization can allow you to keep your powder measure loaded with the same powder, make bulk powder purchases more equitable, and generally make your life easier. One great example for pistol loaders is Winchester W231 and Hodgdon HP-38 (the same […]

QuickTip: Fast shellplate changes on the RCBS Pro-2000

If you reload for multiple cartridges, chances are you’ll be removing and replacing shellplates quite often. I’ve discovered a fast way to perform shellplate changeovers on the RCBS Pro-2000 and wanted to share with you a QuickTip that will help you speed up shellplate changes. This tip is a simple one- in order to speed […]

Dealing With Reloading Component Shortages

We’re all feeling the squeeze: a volatile political climate related to guns leads to a surge in gun-related purchases, which inevitably leads to reloading component shortages. It can be really disheartening to see bare shelves at the local gun store and “out of stock no backorder” when shopping online. I wanted to take a moment […]

Frankenlöder – 9mm with Hornady-RCBS Bullet Feeder Setup on Dillon XL-650 – Part II

In my previous post, I walked through the process of setting up the Dillon XL-650 to load 9mm Luger ammunition with Hornady pistol dies. In this post, we’ll cover adding a bullet feeder to this setup. What will be unique about this setup will be the fact that we’ll use most of the RCBS pistol […]

Frankenlöder – 9mm with Hornady-RCBS Bullet Feeder Setup on Dillon XL-650 – Part I

Dillon XL-650 Press + Hornady Dies + RCBS Bullet Feeder + Hornady Bullet Feed Die In this multi-part Frankenlöder series, we’ll be using the Dillon XL650 to load 9mm Luger. What’s going to make this scenario interesting is the fact that we’ll be using Hornady dies, including the Hornady 9mm pistol bullet feed die. In […]