Tag: Ruger 10/22

TESTED: NEW Bergara BMR Carbon 22LR

Bergara recently released a new rimfire rifle platform: the BMR (Bergara Micro Rimfire). In this story we’ll get hands-on with the premiere rifle from this lineup: the BMR Carbon in 22LR. This rifle is aimed at both precision shooting, and light-weight hunting: should be fun! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by […]

Rimfire FUN: D-M Targets Rimfire Spinner Pro

If you have a rimfire rifle, there are a LOT of fun things  you can do with it: everything from plinking, to training, to hunting. In this article I’ll give you a “guided tour” of my latest rimfire target acquisition: The D-M Targets Rimfire Spinner PRO. It’s both fun and GREAT for training! About the […]

TESTED: NEW Bergara B14-R Precision Rimfire Trainer

Recently, I had some GREAT times shooting with Seth Gardner of D-M Targets. Towards the end of our shooting trip, Seth setup a precision rimfire rifle, one of his Rimfire Spinner targets, and some small targets out to about 85 yards. 10 minutes later I exclaimed: I’VE GOT TO GET SETUP FOR PRECISION RIMFIRE! The […]

300 Remington Ultra Magnum Versus My Pool

Every once in a while I get an idea that I just can’t get out of my head. Recently, I had the thought: “I’m really tired of this pool, it keeps getting punctures, and it’s end of season anyways”. It took about 10 milliseconds for me to connect the dots in my head- “Let’s shoot […]