Tag: Hornady Bullet Feeder

Hornady Rifle Bullet Feeder Part 5: Loading 308 for the AR-10

I am known to be a bit of an extremist. If shooting an AR-15 is fun, wouldn’t shooting an AR-10 be more fun? I actually enjoy both, but I do shoot my DPMS LR-308B quite a bit. That means I’m loading 308 Winchester quite a bit, and that’s what this post is about: loading for […]

Do I really need a bullet feeder?

So there you are sitting at your reloading bench cranking out some ammunition and a thought comes into your head. What if I added a bullet feeder to this press? I could really speed things up, and it would be fun to get a new press accessory! But you may also ask yourself: Will it […]

Frankenlöder – 9mm with Hornady-RCBS Bullet Feeder Setup on Dillon XL-650 – Part III

In this third installment of the Frankenlöder 9mm Dillon+Hornady+RCBS series, we’ll build on what we talked about in the first post and second post. We’ve seen what it takes to setup the Dillon XL-650 with Hornady 9mm dies, and also modified the drop tube from the RCBS Pistol Bullet Feed kit in order to get […]