Rock Chuck Olympics E8: Rock Chuck PRS

Several of our competitors have considerable experience in PRS including Piet Malan and Erik Cortina. This final stage of the Rock Chuck Olympics gave them their best shots at the title. 


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About Stage Six

Competitors were given a five minute par time for 18 impacts. This is purposely much longer than a traditional 120-second PRS par time because of uneven terrain.

Competitors received one point per impact and had to engage nine different targets from several positions with a STAG .223 carbine and Athlon Helos BTR Gen 2 6-24×56 scope. Competitors started with magazines inserted, bolt open and bag in hand. Upon the start signal, they advanced to the tank trap and had to engage T1, T2, and T3 with two shots each, changing positions between targets. Competitors then advance down the hill and engage T4, T5, and T6 from a position of choice with two shots each.

To finish the course, competitors had to engage T7, T8, and T9 with two shots each braced off the log.

Target distances ranged from 70 yards to 311 yards and competitors were given dope. 


Piet excelled on the tank trap, hitting six targets in six shots. He then assumed an unorthodox hybrid kneeling/sitting position, bracing the rifle against his legs.

He eventually ended with 13 impacts, regretting his decision not to go prone. Nils also had 13 impacts – his first time shooting PRS. This is a testament to what a talented shooter he is. He did go prone, but struggled as the Caldwell bipod was not tall enough to help him on this stage. We told competitors they could use anything they are willing to carry through the course – Erik took this to the extreme, carrying along a tripod and a bag.

This worked out well for him – helping him get to 15 hits, the highest of the stage, but he did only leave 14 seconds on the clock. Jim came in with 12 impacts, just under Piet and Nils.

After the tank trap, Jim assumed a position halfway between that of Nils and Piet, something of a curled prone position. Adam claimed to have never heard of or seen PRS before. Even so, after watching his fellow competitors, he took a slow and steady approach to a respectable 10 impacts with no time remaining. 

Stage Standings

Follow the Competitors! 

Erik Cortina – Cortina Precision

Nils Jonasson

Jim Harmer – Backfire

Piet Malan – Impact Shooting

Adam Wies – Who-Tee-Who

Watch the Full Series! 

Episode 1: Kick-Off and Meet the Competitors 

Episode 2: Training & Sight In

Episode 3: Stage One – Hidden Rock Chucks

Episode 4: Pistol Run N’ Gun

Episode 5: Pistol ELR

Episode 6: Ridge Trail 2-Gun

Episode 7: Rifle ELR

The 2023 Rock Chuck Olympics is brought to you by:

D-M Targets (get your Rock Chuck Targets HERE)

RCBS Reloading

Stag Arms

Caldwell Shooting Supplies, Wheeler Tools, and Tipton Gun Cleaning Supplies

Additional Sponsors Include:

Hornady Ammunition, Athlon Optics, Canik Firearms, LongShot Cameras

More Rock Chuck Olympics action coming very soon! Please stay tuned and make sure you’re subscribed to the Ultimate Reloader YouTube Channel to catch all of the action.


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