To best accommodate high volume rifle reloading, I have two Dillon RL-550C presses set up—one for 6GT and one for 223. Today I’m upgrading both of them.
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About the Dillon RL-550C
We’ve published several videos on this press, including a full overview and unboxing.
About the Inline Fabrication Output and Empty Case Bin System
With both presses on the Inline Fabrication Ultramount system with quick change top plates, it was time to make them match.
I added the output and empty case bin system and also added a piece of angle iron to serve as a bullet bin bracket.
From Inline Fabrication:
Output & empty case bin system for the Dillon 450 & 550 B and newer C model. The rear bin catches your completed rounds via the custom aluminum discharge ramp and bracket system. The front bin holds your empty cases up close and quick to grab. Output ramp is designed for increased access to the shellplate loading for easy brass insertion.
Select how you want it configured (Bin size, bin barriers, etc) from the drop down menu above.
Note 1: Designed to be used with the Inline Fabrication 4″,7.5″ or 9″ tall Ultramount press risers only. Not flush mount. It needs a riser system to provide clearance for the bins. It does not work with the factory Dillon Precision Strong mount.
Note 2: Works great with the dedicated Ultramount or the Quick change system.
More Upgrades
KMS Squared press lights on both units made it much easier to see.
It’s easy to install. Remove the toolhead, degrease and scuff the areas the light strip will go on, and add the light strip. Zip ties keep the wire out of the way.
This press is one of Dillon’s most affordable setups. These small upgrades make loading even smoother and easier. Each time we pull the handle on the RL-550C, a new round pops out and into the bins.
UFO press lights make it easy to ensure each round is loaded with powder.
Get the Gear
Inline Fabrication Output and Empty Bin System
Inline Fabrication Quick Change Top Plate
Dillon RL 550C Reloader at Creedmoor Sports
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Gavin Gear