We’ve previously tested Phodera Armory’s Hill Country 30 Caliber Suppressor and Phodera Alamo. This time, we’re taking a closer look at the .223 Woodland.
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About the Phodera Woodland
Phodera is well-known for their industrial grade suppressors. They are a bit longer and heavier than some, but tougher as well.
The 2” diameter Woodland weighs 22 ounces and measures 7.25” in length. It is rated for full-auto and for calibers ranging from .222 Rem to 338 Lapua. Not all suppressors rated for full-auto can handle high cycle duty. This one can. Available threadings include ½ x 28, ⅝ x 23 and 18mm x 1mm. If you want a different threading, reach out to Phodera.
From Phodera:
Designed for calibers in ranges
from .223 through 7mm
- Dimensions – 2 x 7.25”
- Threaded 5/8 x 24 TPI
- Up to 57% sound reduction
PHODERA design and testing proves that to achieve the best performance for each rifle is by designing the suppressor to match the gases and pressures of todays modern rifle calibers in each caliber range; therefore PHODERA suppressors are caliber-specific, direct thread.
Phodera Suppressors are machined with U.S. sourced and Texas Made, High Strength 7075 Aluminum and 316 Stainless Steel, rather than Chinese Titanium. Phodera proprietary and patented blast chambers “work” the gases more efficiently and are designed for heavy service reliability and ease of maintenance. We finish the design with 11 degree target crowns in all the baffles and the suppressor muzzle. You get superior performance in a design that is self-cleaning, eliminating user serviceability requirements.
We ideally design our suppressors to stay on the host rifle and intend for the match to be caliber range specific however, our design does allow the ability to cross chamberings, if you intend to purchase one suppressor for multiple rifles. Talk to a Phodera Suppressor expert about your specific needs.
PHODERA Suppressors have been in constant use in austere environment and the European Market since the early 1990’s. PHODERA designs incorporate complimentary materials and linear expansion coefficients to produce a Suppressor that will outperform any other suppressor and last you a lifetime.
Caliber Matched and Direct-Threaded for the Precision Shooter, Hunter and Recreational Enthusiast.
Recoil Testing
Ultimate Reloader’s unique Recoil Rig measures forces at the buttstock at 20,000 samples/second.
We’ve used this for several stories, including exploring the connection between muzzle brake clearance and recoil as well as comparing different brakes.
Using the recoil rig with an AR provides very different results than a bolt action. With an AR, you can see the bolt lugs unlocking and the bolt carrier group move back all on the recoil graph.
We first established a baseline by firing our 16” .223 AR with a bare muzzle and Hornady 55 grain Frontier ammunition.
First you can see the initial recoil event while the bullet is in the barrel. This is followed by a long pause as the bolt carrier moves rearward and a second recoil event when the bolt carrier bottoms out. This second event can occasionally be larger than when the bullet is in the barrel!
Adding the Woodland, the initial recoil spike was not too far off from the bare muzzle, happening at the same time. A pause followed during rearward travel, but the BCG bottom-out spike happened sooner with the Woodland than with the bare muzzle. The initial recoil spike was lower than the initial recoil spike with the bare muzzle but the second recoil event had much greater force with the suppressor than without.
For another suppressor comparison, we tested the BANISH 223. We’ve tested several other BANISH suppressors from Silencer Central and have had good luck with them. This is a completely different type of can from the Phodera Woodland. It’s lighter, smaller, and made of a titanium alloy rather than aluminum and stainless steel.
Even though the BANISH is designed for different use cases than the Woodland, the recoil results mirrored one another.
Both suppressors’ second recoil event happens at the same time even though Woodland still has a higher peak force. It makes sense the suppressed second recoil events happen before the bare muzzle’s second recoil event. Adding a suppressor elevates gas pressures.
Full Auto Surface Temperature Test
To close out this experiment, I also decided to conduct a full-auto surface temperature test on the Phodera Woodland and BANISH 223. I did a 20-round mag dump of Hornady 55 grain frontier ammunition through my 16” AR-15 full-auto carbine.
I then took several temperature readings at the ends and center with a non-contact laser thermometer. Looking towards the future, I’d like to do thermal imaging.
About 20-30 seconds after shooting, the Woodland was far cooler across the entire device than the BANISH 223. (Keep in mind the BANISH 223 is only limited full-auto rated – no belt fed.) I was surprised at the massive differences between these two suppressors. The BANISH 223 was actually smoking after only 20 rounds and I had to use a glove to remove it.
Both the Phodera Woodland and BANISH 223 are quality suppressors but with different use cases. The industrial quality Phodera is great for heavy use but a bit heavier and bulkier than the lightweight BANISH 223.
Performing this experiment got me thinking about how I could fine-tune AR’s using this same method looking at buffer springs, ammunition, gas blocks and more. (If you are interested in these types of studies, contact the Ultimate Reloader Commercial Solutions Division.)
Get the Gear!
Find the Woodland silencer directly from Phodera.
Hornady Frontier 55 grain .223 Ammunition is available at Midsouth Shooters Supply
Also check out Phodera’s Alamo (6” rimfire), Hill Country (9.75” centerfire), and High Plane (12.25” centerfire) suppressors.
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Gavin Gear