Tag: XTP


You see the powder on the shelf or in the book, but what exactly is it best for? This time I’m taking a closer look at Hodgdon’s CFE BLK, a powder I’ve used in both rifles and handguns. Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content […]

500 S&W Mag with Hornady 350gr XTP Bullets

Nearly twenty years ago, Smith & Wesson introduced their huge new X-frame double-action revolver along with the 500 S&W cartridge. Hornady loaded the first 500 S&W ammunition, sending a 350 grain hollow-point XTP bullet at an advertised 1900 fps! We recently tested some 500 S&W ammunition handloaded with the 350 grain Berry’s plated flat nose […]