Tag: Turban CNC Präzipress

6.5 PRC Precision Loads using Triebel Dies (Germany)

If you are in to precision rifle shooting, you most likely have a respect for high quality equipment and gear. Recently, when discussing the Turban CNC Präzipress with the inventor Thomas Turban, I was made aware of a lineup of ultra-precision dies that like the Präzipress are made in Germany. The dies I’m talking about […]

Fourteen Reloading Presses Compared: Single-Stage Shootout

All pictures, data, and content copyright 2019 Ultimate Reloader. Please ask permission before using. You could say this story is the culmination of the twelve years I’ve been working on Ultimate Reloader stories. It all started with the desire to share information about reloading presses, and it kind of got out of hand at some […]