Tag: Precision Matthews PM-949TV

22-250 Upgrade! Boyds Pro Varmint Stock *and* Athlon Argos BTR Gen 2 Scope

Our Winchester Model 70 is getting a facelift with a new Boyds stock and Athlon optic!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) is […]

6.5 PRC Light-Weight Build Part 3: Bedding the Action to the Stock

The 6.5 PRC light-weight build is all done except some cosmetic finishing touches, and it’s shooting AWESOME! (see this post from the first range trip). In this post, I’ll pick up where we left off at the end of the barrel work and stock fitting article/video, and I’ll cover epoxy bedding the barreled action to […]

6.5 PRC Light-Weight Build Part 2: Break-In and First Groups

When I set out to build my “Ultimate Long-Range Hunting Rifle” I had high hopes. The rifle would need to be relatively light in weight, have great ergonomics, great ballistics, and great accuracy. The build was fun because it incorporated some new materials and techniques, such as a titanium action and a semi-finished carbon wrap […]

6.5 PRC Light-Weight Build Part 1: Action, Chambering, Fitting

6.5 PRC is a great cartridge for long-range hunting, and I’m trilled to have my first 6.5 PRC build taking shape! A long time in planning, it has felt really good to get the core build completed on this awesome light-weight long-range hunting rifle. In this article, I’ll cover the process of chambering the barrel […]

Winchester 70 Rebarrel Part 3: Tools of the Trade

Also published on our sister website http://makingwithmetal.com Complex gunsmithing jobs require a lot of specialized tooling, and some common shop tools as well. In this post, I’ll walk through the tools and supplies I used during the rebarelling of my Winchester Model 70. There are a lot of options when it comes to tooling setups, […]