NEW Gunsmithing Class from Gordy Gritters (Extreme Accuracy Institute)

If you’re looking to learn about rifle gunsmithing, you need to check out Gordy Gritters’ classes at the Extreme Accuracy Institute!

NEW! AR-15 Accurizing Class

From the Extreme Accuracy Institute Page:

AR-15 type rifles can be unbelievably accurate rifles if accurized effectively. I developed an extremely effective system of AR accurizing techniques back in the early-to mid-1990’s that I’ve refined and used ever since to accurize AR-type rifles. I taught this accurizing system for several years at the NRA Summer Gunsmithing program in Oklahoma back in the late 1990’s.

I developed this AR accurizing system back when I worked on and accurized a lot of AR’s, but in recent years I have been so busy building extreme-accuracy bolt action rifles, that I never advertise or tell anyone about the AR’s that I do.

One of the rifles I accurized back in the mid-1990’s was featured in the Varmint Hunter Magazine (issue #12). This rifle was sent out by Varmint Hunter for independent testing, and the shooter was able to get it to shoot 1/10 to 1/4 MOA groups (best group he shot during testing was .090″ at 100 yards). I’ve built a number of other AR’s over the years that shot 1/10 MOA to 1/4 MOA accuracy, so these rifles can really shoot accurately if done right!

Accurizing AR’s to this level does require some machining on the receivers and on the barrel, as well as extreme attention to detail like building or accurizing any high-accuracy rifle. This class will include evaluating the rifle and the barrel for accuracy issues, and will also include all the normal accurizing techniques that are used to make any rifle more accurate: hand-lapping barrels, barrel fit to the action, triggers, bolt lug lapping, bedding scopes into rings and mounting stress-free, refitting the gas block, etc.

I will also cover how to chamber and install a custom unthreaded/unchambered barrel blank on an AR – this is actually very similar to fitting/chambering a barrel in a bolt action rifle, with a few basic differences. This includes selecting/ordering a barrel blank, fitting the barrel extension, chambering, crowning, drilling the gas hole, etc – although, note that I will not be fitting and chambering a barrel in this class, just explaining how to do this.

Upcoming scheduled dates:
Next class date will be scheduled later – probably late fall or winter (let me know if you would like to be notified)


From the Extreme Accuracy Institute website:

You can now learn extreme-accuracy rifle building and rifle accurizing from one of the top precision rifle builders in the world!

I have been doing extreme accuracy gunsmithing since 1987, with an almost total emphasis on experimenting, testing, and finding the very best techniques to accurize rifles and build extremely accurate competition and hunting rifles.

Several years ago, I decided to start passing along what I’ve learned over all these years while I still have the time to do so, and now I dedicate as much time as possible helping others learn exactly how to build extremely accurate rifles and to excel at long range shooting!

These classes will really shorten your learning curve as you learn exactly how to accurize factory rifles and how to build extremely accurate custom rifles!! All my classes are designed to be equally beneficial for do-it-yourselfers working on their own rifles in a home shop, and for professional gunsmiths who want to learn to build more accurate rifles for their customers.

You will learn not only the basics, but also a lot of very advanced techniques used to accurize and custom build high-accuracy rifles. Everyone will benefit from learning and gaining an understanding of all this!

Note that there are more classes available at the Extreme Accuracy Institute.

How To Register

Call or email Gordy to sign up for any of these classes. gordy@gordysprecision.comPhone: 641-780-5085

Upcoming Class Dates


Upcoming scheduled dates:
October 25-30, 2021
December 6-11, 2021

Cost: $1595 for 6-day class
Note: $200 nonrefundable deposit required in advance, balance due first day of class


Upcoming scheduled dates:
October 25-26, 2021

Cost: $695 for 2-day class
Note: $200 nonrefundable deposit required in advance, balance due first day of class


Upcoming scheduled dates:
October 27-28, 2021

Also, stay tuned for an online version of the AR Accurizing class, more details soon!

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