Tag: Match Grade

AR Accurizing course is now available from Gordy Gritters and Gavin Gear

Hello everyone! I’m happy to announce that Gordy Gritters and myself have just launched our long-awaited Accurizing the AR Platform online training. Here’s more information about this course: From our landing page: AR rifles can be made to be extremely accurate – want to learn how this can be done?   Gordy Gritters with Extreme Accuracy […]

NEW Gunsmithing Class from Gordy Gritters (Extreme Accuracy Institute)

If you’re looking to learn about rifle gunsmithing, you need to check out Gordy Gritters’ classes at the Extreme Accuracy Institute! NEW! AR-15 Accurizing Class From the Extreme Accuracy Institute Page: AR-15 type rifles can be unbelievably accurate rifles if accurized effectively. I developed an extremely effective system of AR accurizing techniques back in the […]

Learn From the Best: Rifle Building Class with Gordy Gritters

Have you dreamed of building your own custom rifles? Are you interested in starting your own gunsmithing shop? If so, you’ll want to consider registering for the upcoming rifle building class at the Extreme Accuracy Institute with Gordy Gritters! About the Class From the Extreme Accuracy Institute website: You can now learn extreme-accuracy rifle building […]

Troubleshooting Bad Accuracy: A Discussion with Gordy Gritters

Have you ever been perplexed by a rifle that “should shoot but won’t”? I know I have! It’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed when troubleshooting these kinds of issues, but there’s hope! While at Gordy Gritters’ week long Precision Rifle Building Class, I sat down and discussed with Gordy his systematic approach to isolating […]

Rifle Accuracy Factors: A Discussion with Gordy Gritters

In order to shoot accurately, the shooter, the gun, and the ammunition all need to do their job! Recently, while at Gordy Gritters’ Precision Rifle Building class, I sat down and talked with Gordy in-depth about factors that contribute towards a rifle’s accuracy. A great discussion, and I hope you learn a lot from it! […]

Meet Gordy Gritters: Record-Setting Master Gunsmith, In-Depth Discussion

There are certain people that are geared towards “pushing the limits”. These people thrive when they are innovating and evolving technology, refining products, and setting records in competition. Gordy Gritters is one of these people. Gordy has been instrumental in the world of precision rifle both as a shooter and as a master gunsmith. I […]