TESTED: Hawkins Precision Updraft Brake (Cut Recoil!)

Hawkins Precision just introduced a new line of brakes called Updraft! In this video we put these brakes to the test on 2 different rifles. Does this new brake truly reduce recoil, and how much? Check it out.


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When I was talking with my friends and Hawkins Precision I learned about the updraft and I knew I had to put this brake to the test. 

If you’ve been following our work with brakes, you’ve probably seen that we put the Tank ST to work (article & video here), and what we liked about it. Updraft is similar. It is self timing, and you can lock in the setting. However, a newly designed port adds to the effectiveness. The Updraft brake has 5 ports. The 4 forward ports work the same as any other brake to reduce recoil. But, the first port is engineered to disburse forces sideways, and up! This blows the gases straight to the side to prevent the shockwave from hitting the shooter, and upwards to counteract muzzle rise. This reduces the biggest downside of brakes. We’re talking about reducing that main resulting concussion, reducing headaches and wear on the shooter when shooting for long periods of time like during a match. So – how well does it do the job? We’ll get into that in just a moment.

About Hawkins Precision Brakes

From Hawkins Precision:

Hawkins Precision offers a wide variety of muzzle brakes to fit any rifle application you can think of. These include 2 and 3 port round brakes from .687″ to 1.000″ diameter for seamless gunsmith installs and the Updraft and Tank ST self timing Muzzle Brake. Hawkins Precision muzzle brakes are precision machined in our Colorado Springs based shop and reduce recoil without excessive concussion. Learn more below.

Updraft Specifications:

  • 5 Port Design
  • Unique Updraft Port
  • Locking Collar Design (Set & Forget with 3 Set Screw Design)
  • 1” diameter & 1.2” diameter. 
  • Available in 6.5mm and 30 Cal.
  • Threaded ⅝-24

We’re testing the 1.2” diameter models here in 6.5mm and in 30 Cal.


Installation is the same as the Tank ST Self Timing Muzzle Brake – easy; let’s walk through what you’ll need and how to get it done. 

For work holding, we’re using the Arrow Products Rock Vise – a shop favorite. We can take our arca rail on the Foundation Samson and mount it directly onto the Rock Vise for a secure work solution! And, we can articulate the rifle just how we want it. We need a ⅜” allen key and a 0.05” allen key. If needed, an ‘L’ style allen key is included with the brake. 

I’ve already applied some thread grease. To start timing the break, I bottom out the jam nut against the brake. I then thread on the brake as far as I can and until the Hawkins logo is showing up. Then I get the jam nut hand-snug against the shoulder with a bit more tightening to do (this might be easier to follow via our video embedded above). It doesn’t take a lot – we just turn the brake until it’s level, tightening with that ⅜” allen key. Once we like the setting, we take our 0.05” allen key and tighten the set screws down. These set screws will preserve the timing so we can remove the brake and reinstall it without any extra work! 

That’s it – It’s set!


We wanted to see just how effective this new updraft brake is at reducing recoil. So, we turned to running a series of tests on our Recoil Test Rig in different configurations to get a real life comparison. We tested the 6.5mm and the 30 cal brakes on respective rifles, bare muzzle vs braked. 

Recoil rig:

In case you haven’t familiarized with our recoil test process, here’s how we collect recoil data. We’ve adopted this model of a recoil test rig from Cal Zant at the Precision Rifle Blog. We’ve conducted countless tests on this rig. It already does a great job, but we recently made some advancements. Previously it would capture 20,000 samples per second and required a large amount of manual work to process the data.

Now – we’ve partnered with Dewesoft and are using the Sirius DAQ enabling us to capture up to 200,000 samples per second.

For the readout, we’re using a PCB Piezoelectronics load cell – with this setup we’re getting some extremely clean data. For software, we’re running Dewesoft X.

300 PRC Test Results:

For the 30 Cal brake we ran the tests on the Bergara HMR Wilderness in 300 PRC. We ran 3 different configurations: bare muzzle, with the factory radial brake, and then with the Hawkins Updraft. How did we fare? The bare muzzle peak force was 1,357.5 lbs. The factory radial brake: 506lbs – that’s over a 62% reduction in recoil right off the bat. Then, using the Updraft Brake, peak forces were reduced to 342.9lbs – a 74.7% reduction in recoil! That’s amazing. If we compare the radial brake to the updraft brake, the updraft reduced 32.2% over the performance of the radial brake.

6.5 Creedmoor Test Results:

Custom 6.5 Creedmoor Build: 

For the 6.5mm brake we ran a test on my custom 6.5 Creedmoor Build. This is more of a fair representation of a PRS rifle. We’ve got the BAT Machine Hammerhead, Foundation Samson Stock (weighed down), with a 26” Barrel. This is a heavy rig! It’s a lot more steady, a lot easier to shoot tight groups. If you’re shooting a positional stage at a PRS match, that extra weight makes a difference! It’s about seeing your trace, spotting your miss, and so on. For the test we were shooting Factory Berger Ammo with 140gr projectiles.

Results: Peak force for the bare muzzle was 649.9 lbs. Peak force for the Updraft was 424.4 lbs. We reduced recoil by 34.7%. This rifle doesn’t recoil a lot to start with due it’s heavy weight! So, we are already taking something with little recoil down quite a bit more!

With the tests wrapped (and the results were no surprise), it was time to see how this reduction in recoil actually felt in the field. We look good on paper – but how much was it going to make a difference when reaching out to distance?

Shooting Impressions

We needed to kick off our field test with a sight-in. During sight-in I noticed this rifle just did not budge. I took a few shots to get on paper, and confirm. I was impressed with just how solid the rifle was planted.

We then took to steel at 335 yards, and then at 706 yards. The 335 yard shooting was successful, making successive impacts. I actually knocked the target off the hangar after my third hit in a row! So, we decided to move. At 706 yards the results were identical. I could see my trace, my impact, and the rifle just did not budge! I hit 3 successive impacts on steel, and had a ton of fun!

Overall, the brake performance was spot on – just what you’d expect. We are feeling less recoil, we’re planted, we can see what we’re doing down range, and netting out some positive results!


So there’s a quick look at Hawkins Precision’s new Updraft Brake. If you’re shooting PRS or long range this is a fantastic brake to go with. It has all the advantages of Tank ST – an easy install, it’s self timing, you can set it and forget it – and it’s made in the USA! This brake is awesome, and as you saw from the recoil data we collected, this break is effective at reducing recoil! 

Get the Gear

Hawkins Precision Updraft Brake

Hawkins Precision Tanks ST

Hawkins Precision Hunter Mags

Hawkins Bottom Metals

Bergara HMR Wilderness

BAT Machine Hammerhead

Berger 140gr Ammo


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Gavin Gear

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