WOW! Spring weather is here, and lots is happening up at the Ultimate Reloader outpost! Lots of cool stories in the works, and having fun putting things together. Check out this week’s update!
Last Week’s Winner (250 pcs Starline Rifle Brass)
Congrats to Sid Dunn! He won last week’s challenge. Here’s Sid’s story:
This is a collaboration between myself and my nephew for him, this all started last yr I won a Hart barrel at a match and at the Gap Grind he won a Manners stock and I won a PDC chassis. He was in need of a better rifle so we decided to join our parts to make a rifle so we took my barrel and I traded my chassis for a Curtis Action he got the Trigger-Tech trigger,MPA muzzle brake, Badger Ordnance bottom metal and we sent it off to Southern Precision Rifles for chambering,threading, bedding of the stock and final assembling. We just got it back today and it turned out Great. For glass he is going to use a Athlon Cronus BTR with Seekins rings.
Check out the pictures he submitted:
This Week’s Challenge: Share Your Brass Prep Story!
To enter this week’s challenge for a chance to win a Lyman Case Trim Express, click on the Facebook link below to share your story! Good luck everyone!
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Hey Gavin,
Started reloading about 3 years ago and it is the PERFECT hobby for me. I work in quality so attention to detail and the use of tools is my dream hobby haha so it fits well. Love your review on the Lyman case trim express. My current trim setup is the good ol’ Lyman universal hand trimmer. I like it, but it’s fairly slow going and the setup can take a second. I reload a lot of 223, 7.62×39 and 30-06 so it gets a lot of use. My brass prep consists of the following: first I use the Lee decapping die to knock out the used primer, then I give it a quick wet tumble using some blue dawn dish soap and some lemi shine (1 hour to knock off the crud and dirt). Next I dry the brass and lube with a homemade lanolin/ HEET mix and size, trim with the hand trimmer, then back in the wet tumbler using a car wash and wax (works wonders!! – 2.5 hours usually) And a tad more lemi shine. After that they are good to go! I cant share any pics on the comment section but I can always send some your way if you want. I always like showing off my work to some buddies I share the hobby with. It’s pretty funny but I use one of the walk in closets in my house as my “shop”. Don’t have a basement and don’t want to advertise my toys and tools in the garage to the neighborhood. One day I’ll have a larger home with a proper basement with a BIG man cave haha all in good time. Anyways, thanks for the great videos and insightful tips and tricks. Much appreciated sir.