Tag: Mark 7 Apex 10 Gen 2

Automated Bulk .223 Loading on the Mark 7 Apex 10

Bulk processing over 40,000 .223 cases from Mojo Precision on the Mark 7 Apex 10 was just the start of the process. We decapped using FW Arms dies and Berdan Sentry, resized with the Lyman carbide pro die, and trimmed with the Mark 7 Power Trim Xpress. We decided to run a dedicated priming session […]

Mark 7 Apex 10 Primer Xpress

Mark 7 has made some strides with their Apex 10 Gen 2 upgrades including a new priming system and billet toolhead. We’re taking it one step further by adding the Mark 7 Primer Xpress!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). […]

Mark 7 Apex 10 Gen 2 Upgrades

I’ve run the Mark 7 Apex 10 manually and with autodrive. Kyle Shields most recently used it, with some new upgrades, to process over 40,000 pieces of .223 brass! (Also check out Mark 7’s Halloween promotion!) Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept […]