Tag: Hodgdon Trailboss

Ultradyne Lightweight Butt Stock

From its inception, .308 Shorty has been a compact all-around rifle. Earlier this year we swapped out a Foundation Stock for the Ultradyne UD3 chassis. This time we’re adding more versatility with the Ultradyne UD lightweight butt stock!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content […]

Don’t Blow up that 1911: Reload 45 ACP the Safe Way

I haven’t blown up a gun, but I know it happens every day. Usually, reloaded ammunition is a part of the equation when a gun goes “Kaboom”. Reloading ammunition is a serious responsibility and isn’t without danger. Perhaps that’s part of the appeal- you’re literally working with explosives and building ammunition. While it’s possible to […]