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SHOT Show 2022: Forster Products

While at the SHOT Show, we stopped by and got an update from Forster Products, enjoy! PREVIEW: New Forster Neck Tension Gage Forster will soon be releasing a cool new tool to measure inside neck diameter called the Neck Tension Gage. As shown in the video, the buttons vary by 0.0005″ which gives you a […]

New UFO Lights for Dillon and RCBS (and save 10% site-wide)

If you are looking for a press light, you’ll want to check out these latest lights (for Dillon and RCBS) from KMS Squared, maker of the UFO Press light family of products! Plus, save 10% site-wide! NEW UFO 1100 From the KMS Squared product page: Unmatched Performance The UFO 1100 out performs all similar products […]

New LEE BL light + Save 10% Site-wide at KMS Squared

If you are looking for a press light, you’ll want to check out these latest light from KMS Squared, maker of the UFO Press light family of products! Plus, save 10% site-wide! NEW UFO BL Light for LEE Breech Lock / Pro-4000 It’s all new! From the KMS Squared product page: Unmatched Performance The UFO BL […]

NEW Forster Accu-Ring, Hands-On

Forster just released a new product that will make it easier to setup your dies, it’s called the Accu-Ring. In this story we’ll show you how it works, and why you’ll want to get your own! About the Forster Accu-Ring From the Midsouth Shooters Supply Product page: Accu-Ring Cross Bolt Die Lock Ring (Anodized and […]

Quick Look: Forster Dies from the Inside Out

Forster makes some pretty amazing reloading dies, but you may not realize all of the features and details they include until you look inside, and that’s what we’ll do in this story! Forster’s Demo Die Set You may not be able to buy this specialty cut-away die set, but they are very useful to show […]

TESTED: Forster Bench Rest Powder Measure

When you’re loading precision ammunition, measuring powder charges is both critical to good accuracy, and time consuming. So it’s important to select the right powder measure with the right features. Forster has re-introduced their Bench Rest Powder Measure, and in this story, we’ll take a hands-on look! About the Forster Bench Rest Powder Measure The […]

UFO Press Lights: New Dimmer, Updates, Save 10%

If you are looking for a press light, you’ll want to check out these latest updates from KMS Squared, maker of the UFO Press light family of products! NEW Dimmer KMS Squared just released their new dimmer, and what’s great is that it will work with all UFO press lights (even the older models). Improved […]

5 Shots, One Hole: 6 Dasher Load Development Initial Results

Load development is a critical pathway that leads to “great things” for those of us that are obsessed with precision and accuracy. What’s difficult about load development is how time consuming it can be. Variables include brand of brass, powder type, powder charge, primer type, bullet type, bullet seating depth, and more. If you multiply […]

NEW Expanding Mandrel Die from L.E. Wilson

I do a lot of shooting with loads using brand new brass. And the results can be downright impressive! One challenge I’ve had with loading new brass (a frequent issue) is excessive neck tension. New brass necks tend to come a tad undersize (0.001″-ish). There are also situations where you’ll find dented or imperfect case […]

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