Today I’m excited to announce a partnership that will be instrumental in Ultimate Reloader taking things to the “next level”. Ultimate Reloader will be partnering with Adam MacDonald, and will be incorporating three of his technologies into the research and storytelling here on GavinToobe and Check out the video and read on to find out more details!
By partnering with Adam and with the adoption of his technology, I’m going to have the ability to go way further with research. I’ll also be able to establish better testing guidelines and gather more meaningful data. Here’s some specifics!
With AutoTrickler, I’ll have a laboratory grade scale, and will be able to precisely measure powder charges with great speed. The A&D scale I’ll be using (the A&D FX120i) will increase my measurement precision from about 0.1 – 0.2 grains to a reliable 0.02 grains! Without a super-accurate scale, it’s impossible to validate your results or to measure to great precision. Look for more news related to AutoTrickler here soon!
ShotMarker is a revolutionary E-Target that has a built-in chronograph. With other E-Target systems costing in the ~$5000 USD range, ShotMarker brings this technology to the mainstream with a price tag of just $799 USD.
ShotMarker solves some very real-world day to day issues for me here at Ultimate Reloader:
- 100 yard accuracy testing and load development. With ShotMarker I don’t have to replace targets, get instant feedback, and gather velocity data to document load performance and develop loads.
- 600 and 1000 yards on-site range trips. Now I can get on target faster, and know where my off-target shots are going without having to rely on dirt/snow splash. With velocity data, I can confirm factors like BC, and correct ballistic data/dope on the spot.
- Capturing shooting stories as they happen. With ShotMarker, I can spot my hits without having to have a camera next to the target. While I will still use paper targets and cameras for some scenarios, ShotMarker will drastically reduce the effort for me to capture real-world shooting stories as they happen. This will be a GREAT improvement in my in-field workflow!
Above: ShotMarker target frame on right makes it easy to track shot placement and get on target. Once dope is dialed in, shots on 1 MOA target (10″ x 10″ steel at left) are almost routine. More on ShotMarker coming soon!
Two-Box Chrono
Two-Box Chrono is a specialty chronograph that uses acoustic sensors spaced 15 feet apart to capture very precise velocity measurements (1 FPS precision). This tool will play an important role in my long-range shooting and load development because I’ll need super-precise velocity data to help minimize velocity variation for the loads I’m working with (low SD). I’ll have much more information and stories related to Two-Box Chrono in the upcoming months!
Research and Publications

Adam and I have also decided to put our heads together related to shooting and ballistics research! We both have a passion for exploring and documenting various shooting related phenomenon, myths, and best-practices. We both have a data-driven approach to this research, and will publish content both jointly and separately (See Adam’s Blog for some examples of what he does). So be sure you are subscribed to GavinToobe on YouTube, the blog here at Ultimate Reloader, and Adam’s Blog (see subscribe button on right-hand pane).
Stay Tuned
Adam and I are very excited about the research we’ll do, the stories we’ll tell, and these great tools that we’ll use (AutoTrickler, ShotMarker, and Two-Box Chrono) to help gather the data. Look for more updates shortly! We’ll also be announcing/unveiling something new here shortly- another reason to make sure you’re subscribed!