SHOT Show 2025: New from Frankford Arsenal

Every year I head to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show to see what’s new. Frankford Arsenal has some exciting reloading products for 2025! 


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New Products

Mike Lindsay, a mechanical engineer and  press designer for Frankford Arsenal, took some time to walk me through the two new reloading presses and powder drop consumers will see this year.

The new Precision Single-Stage Press includes a number of the standard Frankford Arsenal features including an integrated light.

It also features a fully-captured spent priming system and proprietary shellholder retaining system.

This system accepts all common shellholders, but utilizes a special retaining system to keep them from rotating and sliding out. All cast iron, the press is double shear in all of the connection points and extremely quiet. 

The Precision Turret Press shares the same features as Precision Single-Stage, but with an eight-station turret head. Users can also choose to lock the head in place to mimic a single-stage press. What really sets this press apart is the affordability of the turrets. Replacement/extra turret heads will be available for $25! 

Building on the original Intellidropper, the Intellidropper 2.0 features an improved screen and user interface while retaining the original bluetooth and powder calibration.

Newly-designed feet protrude slightly from underneath the unit for easier access, internal storage was added for calibration weights, and the power cord is rerouted to the back. The biggest upgrade is from a DC gear motor to a more powerful and quieter stepper motor. A flag on the side of the powder drain indicates whether or not the drain is closed and makes it easier to open and close the drain. 

Get the Gear

Frankford Arsenal Precision Single-Stage Press

Frankford Arsenal Precision Turret Press

Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper 2.0

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Gavin Gear

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